Friday, June 15, 2012


Sorry for the title. I recently watched The Shining for the first time. If you haven't seen it, then go watch it. So Europe was totally awesome, but I'll make a separate post for that. What matters is that I have toned legs from miles upon miles of walking and internet connection once more.

How is everyone? It feels like forever since I've last heard from y'all. The only exciting things I did today was spend five hours laying in a pool sunbathing with one friend and watched both Princess Diaries movies back to back with another friend. Those are great movies to watch too, by the way.

Also, I do have news-that-could-potentially-be-exciting, but I won't announce it yet just in case. If everything goes as planned, you will be the first to know!

ALSO...I have recently acquired a tumblr account! Yay! If you want to look at it, my username is justaddrainbowsprinkles. It's full of semi funny but mostly stupid things that give you a cheap laugh. And let me know if any of you lovelies have tumblrs so I can follow them!

Anyways, it's an hour til midnight here, so I really need to go to bed...pfft yeah right. I'm off to explore the deep depths of the internet, baby.

Lots of Love,