Thursday, August 30, 2012

Oh so many things!

Sorry for not posting last week! It was my first week back in school, and I was absolutely dreading it. Like, I was just so ready to graduate and leave, you know?

Then it started and...I loved it. All of my classes were perfect, the new people I met were hilarious, and my teachers rocked. So far it's great. I couldn't be happier. The highlight of my day is French 5. There's only 6 of us in there and we're all really close and always have a blast.

Anyways, life has been good all around. I learned the slip jig in dance, which I was thrilled to do. I'd talk more about it, but I don't want to bore you with details. And violin has been progressing wonderfully. I'm playing things I never would have thought.

Also, I have been very college/uni crazy these days. I'm desperate to find the right school for me, but I don't know. I have a whole year before I need to apply, but I just want to KNOW WHERE I'M GOING. The one thing I'm positive about is that I'm double majoring and French will be one of my majors. It's cool, because I've taken so many French classes that I'll finish out the major by my second year at uni.

This weekend is my birthday weekend as well! I'll be turning 16 finally! Now I'll be able to drive myself to and from school and all that jazz. But 3 of my close friends and I are going out to eat on Sunday to celebrate, even though my birthday is Monday, then we'll have movie night. It's ironic, because another one of my best friends turned 16 yesterday (we're five days apart).

So my question now is this: what are you doing for uni? I'm pretty clueless, but hearing other stories always make me feel better.

Well, I'm going to go now. I am supposed to be studying for an AP Environmental Science test that's tomorrow, so...yeah. Talk to you guys later!

Lots of Love,

Thursday, August 16, 2012

My results are in

I know its not my day, but because my exam results came out today, last night was just a night with friends to keep me from stressing.

But I shouldn't have worried.

I got more then I needed to get to the uni I wanted and in September, I'm off.

When me and one of my friends found out we were in, we didn't do the cliche scream, we didn't jump up and down and we didn't cry.

We both just stared at the computer screen.

Because now its real, now its happening, and now we have to get ready for it.

I mean obviously, we've been getting ready in bits and pieces for a while, but now we have to pack and actually go.

I've only lived in one town in my life, and for the 18 years, its done me very well. I'm just nervous about having to learn a new town and how to get around on my own.

The main thing is to make friends, learn to cook and not break ANYTHING. No seriously, the university is very sure to tell us that :)

In response to your post Emily, I did watch the opening cermony of the olympics. And apart from the really long parade full of countries i'd never heard of (and the realisation that my parent's atlas is older then me) I really liked it.

And I'm not the kind of person who would love it because its english and I'm english. Believe me, I was already to mock it. But as soon as Rowan Atkinson started on stage, I was hooked.

I watched a huge amount of it, regardless of the fact that in the weeks prior i was getting so bored with it. You see, in England, every second advert seemed to be olympics based... for the last, like, 6 months.

So by the time it started, I wanted it to end.

But I watched the swimming, the diving, the rowing, even the BMXing and whatever I could find on.

To be frank, I now have got to the point where I'm moaning that its not on because there's no other good tv to watch.

Wasn't so sure about the closing ceremony though, but I think i've rambled quite enough.

Emily: Its great to hear about your irish dancing. I love watching it but don't have the stamina to do it myself. Keep us posted about what happens.

Samantha and Julia: I hope you guys are ok, and hope to hear from you soon :)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

School's almost here...

So it seems that everyone has taken a huge break from here, including me. Sorry. I mean, I don't even have a good excuse for why I wasn't blogging. I just got lazy.

But school is starting back in in a little over a week, which I am not looking forward to. Summer has just been so nice...

Plus, I did take up a new hobby you guys. It's not exactly what I had in mind a while back, but it's turned out pretty freaking well. For the past two months, I've taken up Irish dance!

Check out the wigs! My hair is so curly, I don't need one.

It is very tiring and takes a shitload of stamina, but I mean come on. It is so awesome. If no one has ever heard of it, look up Riverdance on Youtube. You won't regret it! Like every other hobby I have, I am determined to one day become good at it. It'll be hard, considering people usually start at a very young age.

I also got a new violin teacher a few weeks ago. My old one Sarah Beth just up and left. I was very sad...until I met my new teacher David. He is just full of so much awesome, you guys would love him. I'll tell you more about him some other time. Every time I leave lessons now I have a huge smile on my face.

Hey, let's have a subject to discuss! We never do that anymore. I got one...the Olympics!

So assuming you DID watch it, what did you guys think of the opening ceremony in London? Not to be a stick in the mud, but I wasn't too impressed by it. There were a couple parts that I enjoyed, like the huge rings that rained fire and the giant Voldemort, but mos of the time I was rather bored. My mom and I just drank and made fun of it, really. 

What about the sports? Do any of you have a specific sport that's your favorite? I adore the gymnastics, artistic and rhythmic. I looked forward to watching it each night. Naturally I was rooting for the Americans, who did outstanding in most parts. Gabby Douglas was such a treat to watch in the All-Around finals. There was a UK girl Elizabeth Tweddle I think, who impressed me as well.

Here's Gabby. Have you seen this girl on uneven bars?

I also watched the swimming (yay, Michael Phelps!). That was pretty neat. There was that one Chinese guy who was super tall in the swimming. There was also diving, which I watched. Did anyone ever notice that Mexico was in the Olympics? I feel really bad for not noticing...

 Beach volleyball was INTENSE, holy crap. I was biting my nails watching the Americans against the Chinese. The gold medal match was USA vs. USA. Haaaa...go figure? In the end, the two time--now three time gold medal team Misty and Kerri won. It's a shame Misty is retiring now.

The 3-peat champs! They are BEASTS.

So those are my two cents about the Olympics. How is it from the UK perspective? Americans are crazy about sports, is it the same over there? I'm curious. Also, what's everyone up to these days? I really miss you all. 

And I won't be exploring Your Pants for a while because I'm getting really odd messages that are borderline creepy. It might be spam, who knows? Does anyone know how to block that? Have a nice August!

Lots of Love,