Thursday, May 10, 2012

Y'all aren't the only ones with exams!

So I didn't manage to make a blog post last week. Sorry. Still busy. But it was all worth it. I have one full week and two days left of school, so I'll only be sporadic for a while longer. Anyways, last week was interesting, though.

For French, my class had to go to the local college (university for you fancy-pants Scottish/English people). All the other upper level foreign language kids went as well so we could take a placement exam and see what college class we get placed into.

The test was hard as hell. I mean, they were asking us to explain french proverbs IN FRENCH. I don't even understand English ones! Either way, I got a decent score, a 452. That means I would be placed in a 201 class, which is equivalent to a French 4 or 5 class in high school. I was proud, because most people bombed it.

But that wasn't the fun part. Afterwards, we all went to this big stretch of restaurants and ate lunch. I was in a group of six, and we had the most amazingly huge and delicious lunch that lasted two hours. We were that loud annoying table that everyone hates. Guys, it was so fun. We were really full afterwards, which makes sense considering we had two appetizers, a huge main course, and a big ass dessert.

The weekend consisted of hanging out with friends who I haven't hung out with in a long time. I went bowling, too. But I want to talk about my violin lesson today.

Proceed to random story.

So I had a makeup lesson today as opposed to my usual Friday lesson. I walked into the small room I play in and came across a small girl no older than 11. My teacher introduced her as her daughter. She was going to be staying in there with us since she was sick that day. Sure, I smiled on the outside, but I was frantic on the inside.  I didn't want this girl to hear me play. I'm not good yet.

But alas, I warmed up and she was still there. As if God had heard my biggest fear and decided it would be funny to piss Emily off, I sucked. Like, more than usual. I sucked even harder even after the initial shock of playing in front of someone new. I was fuming. I wasn't sure if I wanted to cry from humiliation, punch a hole in the wall, or slam my violin on the ground for not doing what I wanted.

I explained this to my mom, but she was no help at all. Luckily, I cooled down and was able to be happy again after some much needed yoga. I just reminded myself that I have another lesson tomorrow, so I can redeem myself. After some thinking, I came to a realization:

I played in front of someone new without fear.

Sure, it was mildly uncomfortable at first, but it wasn't scary like I thought! Now I know that I CAN play for people, even if it just means working up to it little by little. I'm kind of excited about that. Yay.

But now onto exams. Oh, how I despise them. Here in America, we call them finals (or final exams). In my school district, this is how it works: The finals spread out across 2 days. Day 1 are your finals for your first two classes during the 1st half of the day. Day 2 is a half day (and the last day of school) where you have finals for your last two classes.

I am most concerned for my Anatomy final, which consists of two finals. The first one is the fetal pig dissection. Currently, we are dissecting it, but for our final we'll identify certain structures. The other final is the written one. Next week will be dedicated to studying for that.

And last, but certainly not least, I am going to Spain, France, and London in 18 days! I'll bring back lots of pictures from that. But fair warning: I won't post for those days I'm gone, so don't think I'm dead!

Sorry for the long post. I had a lot to get off my chest. But I feel your pain with the finals, you guys. But I have seven and a half days left of school; I can do it, dammit, and so can you!

Lots of Love,

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