Part 1. Check emails. We need to talk.
Part 2. My school is so annoying! I'm really bad at Spanish so they moved me down a level. At this point in time I'm in a class filled with really dumb older kids. I was supposed to get my study hall and my Spanish class switched around so that i would be with some more well behaved kids. That hasn't happened yet. Now i happen to like my study hall so what ever they do I'm OK with. But its still annoying when people in the class come up and ask "Are you moving?"
Part 3. i have written 30 pages in about 2 weeks, most of it during school. WIN! Still have no real idea where I'm going with it. Thats my main project right now. That, my grades, trying to make this thing flow more smoothly and i think thats it right now.
Part 4. The thing I always wanted to do. I always wanted to go on a road trip but my parents don't have the money to and i cant drive, nor do i have the friends that would do that with me. Well maybe the one, she would be fun to go on a road trip with. Bit of background on my obsession with road trips, I blame Mr. Green. He wrote paper towns and ever since I got my hands on that book i have wanted to go on one. They just seem like so much fun! Driving around the country doing what ever you want, going to all the cool conventions that may be going on at the time.
Part 5: things that scream you. My harry potter stuff. I don't wear it all the time but its defiantly my thing.
Part 6: If someone other then us is reading this HELLO! I saw that people where looking at this earlier but i dont know if anyone is still around. If you are, say something! I want to know if we are just talking to each other or not.
Part 7: no more questions added, we have three going on. I make realy short blogs, all well. Shows how jumpy my brain is.
I would tell you all not to forget to be awesome but you dont need to be reminded :D
- Samantha
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
I'm meant to be studying right now.
This blog post comes to you in four parts!
Part One! I went to see Snow Patrol last night and it was just indescribably perfect. You know that feeling you sometimes get at gigs, like you've just fallen in love with everyone in the room? Like, even though you're wearing an oversized band t-shirt and beat-up converse, and your Biffy Clyro guitar pick necklace is your only jewellery, you suddenly feel beautiful? Yeah. It was like that. I might have started crying at one point.
Ok, now that that's out of the way, part two: Michael's topic for this week was about talents and projects and stuff, and like his, mine is writing.
When I was five years old, my parents bought me a copy of "The Twits" by Roald Dahl. I started reading it that afternoon, and I didn't put it down until I was done. That was it - I was hooked.
I've been writing my whole life, and I like to think I'm pretty good at it. Like Michael, I have issues finishing big projects, like novels - I'll plan, start writing, but by then another idea will have taken root and I'll make a start on that, the previous project forgotten. I must've finished hundreds of short stories, and although I never really think they're good enough, other people seem to like them.
I've never been able to imagine myself doing anything other than writing. That's why I'm having such problems with choosing universities and planning my future and all that important stuff.
Ok, current projects: I'm trying to write something for Kristina Horner's Less Than Three thing. The deadline is in two days, I believe, and I only have one story finished that I'm not particularly proud of. I've been editing it for the past week and will probably enter it today, but I don't really expect it to get into the book. It doesn't feel like my best work, but every other story I've tried to write for the contest has just rolled over and died on the page. So it's all I've got, and I guess all I can do is hope that this is one of those situations where my perfectionist side runs away with me.
I don't know if you could exactly call this next thing a project, it's really more an obsession. You see, most of my stories are very character-driven. My ideas almost never begin with plot, but rather with character, and the problem with this is that it can be difficult finding a story to suit a character.
Just over two years ago, this character walked into my head. Over time, she developed a personality, I gave her friends, comrades, enemies. Now I have this whole cast of perfectly-formed characters kicking around in my mind, begging me to put them in a story, but every time I try, it just doesn't feel good enough for them. I really hope I can find something great for them, because I've never imagined a set of characters so complexly before.
Part Three: Emily asked about something we've always wanted to do, but never had the chance. I'm going to tell you about something I wanted to do and never got the chance, but then did get the chance, I guess.
So I've always been an alright-ish singer. Like, I know I'm not going to be the next Adele or anything, but I can carry a tune and I've sort of always wanted to just sing on stage. Maybe front a band or something, I'm not sure. It's always been kind of a vague, repressed dream. Anyway, for years I let my friends believe I was a terrible singer, because I was really self conscious about it. But then when I started my youtube channel and started playing ukulele, and spent a bit more time with my guitar, I decided I wanted to put some songs up there. So I did. And my friends were so shocked, I wasn't sure whether to be pleased or slightly insulted.
That was all several months ago. I should tell you that my school runs a talent show every year, on the last day of term before the Christmas holidays, and I've always wanted to do something for it, but I've always been too shy. But this year, when they announced it, my friend Jack suggested we do a Kills song together (if you don't listen to the Kills, go listen right now) and I didn't really think about it, I just agreed.
So somehow I found myself standing on-stage, holding a guitar and singing Goodnight Bad Morning to several hundred people who hadn't even known I could sing until about a month before. It was the best feeling, after we had finished the song I wanted to stay up there and play an entire set.
And now we've finished with that story, Part Four! My question to you all: do you have something that you wear all the time, or something that people just associate with you, like a trademark? If so, what is it?
I have three wristbands that I wear near constantly: my DFTBA one, my This Star Won't Go Out one, and one from camp. I only take them off for school, because my school has bizarre uniform restrictions. I also have my Biffy Clyro guitar pick necklace, because Biffy Clyro are absolutely my favourite band of all time.
You're all amazing!
Part One! I went to see Snow Patrol last night and it was just indescribably perfect. You know that feeling you sometimes get at gigs, like you've just fallen in love with everyone in the room? Like, even though you're wearing an oversized band t-shirt and beat-up converse, and your Biffy Clyro guitar pick necklace is your only jewellery, you suddenly feel beautiful? Yeah. It was like that. I might have started crying at one point.
Ok, now that that's out of the way, part two: Michael's topic for this week was about talents and projects and stuff, and like his, mine is writing.
When I was five years old, my parents bought me a copy of "The Twits" by Roald Dahl. I started reading it that afternoon, and I didn't put it down until I was done. That was it - I was hooked.
I've been writing my whole life, and I like to think I'm pretty good at it. Like Michael, I have issues finishing big projects, like novels - I'll plan, start writing, but by then another idea will have taken root and I'll make a start on that, the previous project forgotten. I must've finished hundreds of short stories, and although I never really think they're good enough, other people seem to like them.
I've never been able to imagine myself doing anything other than writing. That's why I'm having such problems with choosing universities and planning my future and all that important stuff.
Ok, current projects: I'm trying to write something for Kristina Horner's Less Than Three thing. The deadline is in two days, I believe, and I only have one story finished that I'm not particularly proud of. I've been editing it for the past week and will probably enter it today, but I don't really expect it to get into the book. It doesn't feel like my best work, but every other story I've tried to write for the contest has just rolled over and died on the page. So it's all I've got, and I guess all I can do is hope that this is one of those situations where my perfectionist side runs away with me.
I don't know if you could exactly call this next thing a project, it's really more an obsession. You see, most of my stories are very character-driven. My ideas almost never begin with plot, but rather with character, and the problem with this is that it can be difficult finding a story to suit a character.
Just over two years ago, this character walked into my head. Over time, she developed a personality, I gave her friends, comrades, enemies. Now I have this whole cast of perfectly-formed characters kicking around in my mind, begging me to put them in a story, but every time I try, it just doesn't feel good enough for them. I really hope I can find something great for them, because I've never imagined a set of characters so complexly before.
Part Three: Emily asked about something we've always wanted to do, but never had the chance. I'm going to tell you about something I wanted to do and never got the chance, but then did get the chance, I guess.
So I've always been an alright-ish singer. Like, I know I'm not going to be the next Adele or anything, but I can carry a tune and I've sort of always wanted to just sing on stage. Maybe front a band or something, I'm not sure. It's always been kind of a vague, repressed dream. Anyway, for years I let my friends believe I was a terrible singer, because I was really self conscious about it. But then when I started my youtube channel and started playing ukulele, and spent a bit more time with my guitar, I decided I wanted to put some songs up there. So I did. And my friends were so shocked, I wasn't sure whether to be pleased or slightly insulted.
That was all several months ago. I should tell you that my school runs a talent show every year, on the last day of term before the Christmas holidays, and I've always wanted to do something for it, but I've always been too shy. But this year, when they announced it, my friend Jack suggested we do a Kills song together (if you don't listen to the Kills, go listen right now) and I didn't really think about it, I just agreed.
So somehow I found myself standing on-stage, holding a guitar and singing Goodnight Bad Morning to several hundred people who hadn't even known I could sing until about a month before. It was the best feeling, after we had finished the song I wanted to stay up there and play an entire set.
And now we've finished with that story, Part Four! My question to you all: do you have something that you wear all the time, or something that people just associate with you, like a trademark? If so, what is it?
I have three wristbands that I wear near constantly: my DFTBA one, my This Star Won't Go Out one, and one from camp. I only take them off for school, because my school has bizarre uniform restrictions. I also have my Biffy Clyro guitar pick necklace, because Biffy Clyro are absolutely my favourite band of all time.
You're all amazing!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Me and My Insanity
Hey guys, guess what? I'm actually posting on Thursday! Yaaaay! I don't know about you guys, but this has been the slowest week ever. I woke up just about every day thinking that it was Friday. You know that crushing feeling you get when you realize it's not Friday? It sucks.
I just spent the past two hours editing a PSA on stereotyping for my English class. Much to my surprise, I enjoyed editing it. Maybe if it's good enough, I'll show it to y'all when I'm finished with it. I'm not the best, but I liked doing it nonetheless.
So for this week's topic, I'm kind of spinning off of Michael's question (you know, what projects are you working on, and stuff). I have multiple projects and hobbies aside from the internet, believe it or not. I have a lovely violin named Fiona whom I adore and cherish. I've been playing her for a little over three months now, and I have a flute named Astrid, who I've played for four years. I also have a Celtic folk harp, who I've yet to name. I draw, as well. I give tarot card readings to people and do yoga frequently.
This all seems fine and dandy, but my problem is this: I want to do too many things all at once. Like, a lot of things. I never realized this until some time last week, when I was thinking about dancing.
As long as I can remember, I've always wanted to dance, specifically ballet. It was one of those things I always felt drawn to, like playing music. Sometimes I'd just flail around in my room and imagine I was a ballerina, which is rather embarrassing to think about. It was also one of those things that I thought I was never cut out to do. You know, I don't have a long neck or arched feet, and I'm not ballet thin...but I'm not fat either. So, I kept it to myself, dying a little whenever I met a ballet dancer at school, wishing I was one of them.
I eventually confessed this to my mom last week, and she started laughing. She said I was too clumsy to do something like ballet. I felt kind of hurt, but persisted, refusing to take no for an answer. I had repressed one of my dreams for years, and I wasn't about to let it be crushed. We talked about me taking a class and she said that taking one now would just make me more busy and crazy than ever. I knew she was right, but I didn't want to wait longer. I told her that it would happen over summer, if that was the case.
My parents are both against me taking it, coming up with every excuse in the book, but not outright saying it, you know? I don't care though, because I'm taking them anyways dammit. I'll have to wait until summer, but I''m still taking them!
The point to this whole rant is that I want to do too many things at a time. I have violin lessons, I want to take up a painting class, ballet, do more yoga, harp, and a few other things on the side. With my crazy Human Anatomy class and three other honors classes right now, I can't do it all. But I want to. That's how I've always been, but I must be careful before I burn out.
So, my question to you guys is this: Is there something you've always wanted to do, but never had the chance? Were you too shy, like me, or were there other things that blocked you? Do tell!
Well, this'll be a long time between now and summer, but I'll take it one day at a time and focus hard on violin until my time comes. I'm driven, if nothing else. Anyways, you guys have a lovely weekend!
Lots of Love,
I just spent the past two hours editing a PSA on stereotyping for my English class. Much to my surprise, I enjoyed editing it. Maybe if it's good enough, I'll show it to y'all when I'm finished with it. I'm not the best, but I liked doing it nonetheless.
So for this week's topic, I'm kind of spinning off of Michael's question (you know, what projects are you working on, and stuff). I have multiple projects and hobbies aside from the internet, believe it or not. I have a lovely violin named Fiona whom I adore and cherish. I've been playing her for a little over three months now, and I have a flute named Astrid, who I've played for four years. I also have a Celtic folk harp, who I've yet to name. I draw, as well. I give tarot card readings to people and do yoga frequently.
This all seems fine and dandy, but my problem is this: I want to do too many things all at once. Like, a lot of things. I never realized this until some time last week, when I was thinking about dancing.
As long as I can remember, I've always wanted to dance, specifically ballet. It was one of those things I always felt drawn to, like playing music. Sometimes I'd just flail around in my room and imagine I was a ballerina, which is rather embarrassing to think about. It was also one of those things that I thought I was never cut out to do. You know, I don't have a long neck or arched feet, and I'm not ballet thin...but I'm not fat either. So, I kept it to myself, dying a little whenever I met a ballet dancer at school, wishing I was one of them.
I eventually confessed this to my mom last week, and she started laughing. She said I was too clumsy to do something like ballet. I felt kind of hurt, but persisted, refusing to take no for an answer. I had repressed one of my dreams for years, and I wasn't about to let it be crushed. We talked about me taking a class and she said that taking one now would just make me more busy and crazy than ever. I knew she was right, but I didn't want to wait longer. I told her that it would happen over summer, if that was the case.
My parents are both against me taking it, coming up with every excuse in the book, but not outright saying it, you know? I don't care though, because I'm taking them anyways dammit. I'll have to wait until summer, but I''m still taking them!
The point to this whole rant is that I want to do too many things at a time. I have violin lessons, I want to take up a painting class, ballet, do more yoga, harp, and a few other things on the side. With my crazy Human Anatomy class and three other honors classes right now, I can't do it all. But I want to. That's how I've always been, but I must be careful before I burn out.
So, my question to you guys is this: Is there something you've always wanted to do, but never had the chance? Were you too shy, like me, or were there other things that blocked you? Do tell!
Well, this'll be a long time between now and summer, but I'll take it one day at a time and focus hard on violin until my time comes. I'm driven, if nothing else. Anyways, you guys have a lovely weekend!
Lots of Love,
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Guess whos back, back again
First off, sorry for the title, expect that kind of thing from me :)
Also we seem to have had 2 topics raised since my last post so I'll answer the first and maybe we can use the other one next week.
My worst trait. I've been thinking about this for a while. To be honest delving into the part of my mind that is more than happy to find things wrong with me probably wasn't a good idea.
Also we seem to have had 2 topics raised since my last post so I'll answer the first and maybe we can use the other one next week.
My worst trait. I've been thinking about this for a while. To be honest delving into the part of my mind that is more than happy to find things wrong with me probably wasn't a good idea.
But I’ll go for the one I’m known for.
I have a HUGE tendency to be jealous. I mean of anything,
anyone. Give me enough time and enough reason and it crops up.
I guess it probarly started when I was really young. I grew
up with 2 sisters and the middle child usually gets the feeling of being
almost... bypassed I guess.
But the first time it got bad and stuck out was when I had
my first boyfriend. We got together when I was about 13 and we were fine. We
didn’t talk a lot, but we were fine.
And then when we started spending more time together and
eventually kissing, I started to realised I really, really liked him.
Now, as a side note, he had previously dated my best friend
and told me he had fancied a close friend of mine and another girl at our
The second girl in school was to me quite pretty and she was
wildly confident. I was neither of these things. Until that point it wouldn’t
have bothered me.
She started calling over to him in our history lessons and
telling him she loved him. My boyfriends reaction, as was his reaction to most
things, was to stay quiet.
And so my mind wandered onto what he was thinking in his
silence. I couldn’t help but wonder if he was thinking the same thing back.
But I was shy and pretty much desperate to keep him around
so I didn’t say anything. Later on I had a dream that he ran away with her and
I went onto school completely down. He kept asking me what was the matter.
Eventually when we were alone I told him about the dream.
His reponse was less then sufficient. He said “Oh... ok.”
And pushing back the need to punch him in the face for not
even trying to comfort me, I mangaged to bite my tounge.
Unfortunatly around the end of our relationship I got
really, really jealous and then he left me for another woman he spent time with
in a sea cadets club thing.
So in the end it was justified.
But it means now that even in my current relationship where
he tells me how he feels about me and that he’s not going to do the same thing,
I do worry. You can never tell what’s going on in someone’s heads and because
he has a whole group of friends I don’t meet and have only heard stories of. I
usually get really jealous and nervous when I know he’s out with them and convince myself he'll come back from that saying he wants to leave me for one of them. As crazy as I am to be thinking like that.
Sorry this has been so long. I think thats probarly my worst
trait over rambling and being terrible at naming blog posts :)
Have a good week guys
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Worst blog i have posted. (Sorry)
Hello everyone!
Has this last week gone by fast or is it just me? So how are all of the mid terms going if your taking them? If you are not. LUCKY!!!!!!
Topic for this week was your worst trait. I'm really quiet and a push over. I get yelled at constantly for never talking by my friends and my mom thinks i need to stop letting my friends tell me what to do.
I'm a push over in the way that if you would insult me and where my friend i wouldn't do anything about it. Now if one of them asked me to do drugs I'd be like ell no. But when it comes to things like that I'm afraid of losing them as friends. I won't talk about being quite. I think that's universal.
One more thing, I have trust issues. Growing up I couldn't tell my one friends something or the whole world would know. Now i know that that sounds dumb but it was when i was like in 3rd grade so it affects a person. Now, your lucky to know what i think of people because I'm afraid it will come back to bite me in the but.
Sorry that this is horrible. I cant think about a good long paragraph to save my life.
But i will tell you about this weekend, why? Cause it was fun and it was my birthday. I went roller skating with a few of my friends and 2 of them cant skate to save there lives so it was great. few things about my friends, never give the one cheese. Yes i said cheese, she gets hyper over it and i could tell you why. OK, that added some length to this. Not much. Sorry this is so bad but all of these test are turning my brains to mush.
DFTBA (i almost forgot how to type that.)
Has this last week gone by fast or is it just me? So how are all of the mid terms going if your taking them? If you are not. LUCKY!!!!!!
Topic for this week was your worst trait. I'm really quiet and a push over. I get yelled at constantly for never talking by my friends and my mom thinks i need to stop letting my friends tell me what to do.
I'm a push over in the way that if you would insult me and where my friend i wouldn't do anything about it. Now if one of them asked me to do drugs I'd be like ell no. But when it comes to things like that I'm afraid of losing them as friends. I won't talk about being quite. I think that's universal.
One more thing, I have trust issues. Growing up I couldn't tell my one friends something or the whole world would know. Now i know that that sounds dumb but it was when i was like in 3rd grade so it affects a person. Now, your lucky to know what i think of people because I'm afraid it will come back to bite me in the but.
Sorry that this is horrible. I cant think about a good long paragraph to save my life.
But i will tell you about this weekend, why? Cause it was fun and it was my birthday. I went roller skating with a few of my friends and 2 of them cant skate to save there lives so it was great. few things about my friends, never give the one cheese. Yes i said cheese, she gets hyper over it and i could tell you why. OK, that added some length to this. Not much. Sorry this is so bad but all of these test are turning my brains to mush.
DFTBA (i almost forgot how to type that.)
Monday, January 23, 2012
Rambling, I Suppose.
First things first, what happened to Friday and Sunday? As I recall, Madison left, but I don't know who else hasn't posted or what their days are. Also, should there be rules about posting?
So, as far as I know, there's not topic for the week, so I'll assign one. This week, let's talk about one of our talents or hobbies and projects with them. For example, if you like to dance, you can talk about it and a recent dance-related project you've been doing. Does that make sense?
My talent (I suppose) would be writing, which I had previously stated that I like. I'm not some brilliant child prodigy-type person who gets their works published by the age of sixteen. Hell, I haven't even finished a single story I've started. I always get stuck in the planning stage, and then I get bored and move onto a new project.
The longest writing project I've accomplished, which is coincidentally the one I'm currently working on, is a story called Completely Impossible. I came up with it for a birthday present for a friend of mine, last year in May. I originally intended it to be a simple short story about horror. However, as time passed, I found that the story would be longer than a short story (although it's objective as to the length of a short story) and I'm no longer friends with the girl. With that being said, I had quit writing it, as I no longer had inspiration, deciding to just forget about writing for a while. I mean, I had school to worry about. Eventually, around this year, I started working on it again.
What Completely Impossible is about is a guy named Toby. He finds himself in nonexistence and meets the personification of death. After being told that if he wished to return to reality, he must go and destroy a creature that cannot die. While in this creature, which is the shape of a house, Toby experiences horrors meant to torture and break him.
And that's my bit. Hope it was a good enough example for you guys to know what my topic means.
So, as far as I know, there's not topic for the week, so I'll assign one. This week, let's talk about one of our talents or hobbies and projects with them. For example, if you like to dance, you can talk about it and a recent dance-related project you've been doing. Does that make sense?
My talent (I suppose) would be writing, which I had previously stated that I like. I'm not some brilliant child prodigy-type person who gets their works published by the age of sixteen. Hell, I haven't even finished a single story I've started. I always get stuck in the planning stage, and then I get bored and move onto a new project.
The longest writing project I've accomplished, which is coincidentally the one I'm currently working on, is a story called Completely Impossible. I came up with it for a birthday present for a friend of mine, last year in May. I originally intended it to be a simple short story about horror. However, as time passed, I found that the story would be longer than a short story (although it's objective as to the length of a short story) and I'm no longer friends with the girl. With that being said, I had quit writing it, as I no longer had inspiration, deciding to just forget about writing for a while. I mean, I had school to worry about. Eventually, around this year, I started working on it again.
What Completely Impossible is about is a guy named Toby. He finds himself in nonexistence and meets the personification of death. After being told that if he wished to return to reality, he must go and destroy a creature that cannot die. While in this creature, which is the shape of a house, Toby experiences horrors meant to torture and break him.
And that's my bit. Hope it was a good enough example for you guys to know what my topic means.
Best Wishes,
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Slightly off-topic.
I used to not have a personality. It was all down to my lack of friends.
That's right kids! Gather round for Julia's story time!
I went to a really tiny primary school. Like, really really small. I think there were about six girls, counting me, in my entire year group, and around ten boys. Of course, at that age, being friends with boys is kind of And the issue was that I didn't really like any of the girls. So I had a best (only) friend in primary one, and then she left and moved to Australia. The same thing happened the next year (except the friend didn't move as far away this time). Then I made friends with a girl in the year below and she remained pretty much the only person I would hang out with at school.
This was all between the ages of five and ten, and then I moved schools (it's a long story, I won't bore you with it), and made a few new friends. But still, I got left with a horrifically dull personality. I was just that smart girl. Mildly socially inept. Really shy. Mostly harmless.
You see, trying to improve yourself while surrounded by the same minds, never meeting anyone new or different, is kind of like trying to build an internal combustion engine out of paper clips and cardboard boxes.
But then.
When I got to high school, a personality was starting to surface. I met some new people. I made some new friends. The next year I heard Biffy Clyro for the first time and suddenly there was this whole world of music I hadn't known existed. The year after that I went to camp for the first time.
I have this theory that everyone you meet changes you. You don't even have to know their name. You do have to let it happen, but we can get into all that psychological theorizing another day: what I'm trying to say is, I met a lot of people that year. And it changed me.
I'm not sure how noticeable the change was for the people who knew me. Maybe there had been a personality there under all the social ineptitude and shyness, but for the first time I felt like I was someone, someone who was actually fun and interesting. I was a lot more confident, more likely to burst into song in a public place just for the hell of it.
I'm now pretty happy with myself as I am, but all the above has left me with this constant desire to improve myself. I don't regret my lack of friends as a child, because it made me who I am...does that make sense? And I'm sure in a few years I will have changed a lot more - I hope for the better.
It's why I started dyeing my hair. I felt like I'd changed internally and wanted to show that in an external way, I guess. But I don't tell many people that because it would involve telling them this whole story.
So, back to the self-improvement thing: the thing I most need to change (i.e my worst personality trait) is definitely my inability to think before I speak.
Among my group of friends, we toss insults around like other people toss around pop culture references. It's not a big deal. We all know we're joking, and nothing ever really gets taken seriously. It's nice, comfortable. But it does mean that sometimes I forget that it's not ok to casually insult people who barely know you, and it's left me in situations.
It doesn't seem like a big thing, I guess. But I feel like it's something that needs to change or, at best, I make myself look stupid, and at worst I offend people I care about.
I'm afraid that this has become a kind of "brief history of Julia" post. I'm sorry. To compensate, have this blurry picture of me with Alex Day:
That's also a story for another day.
(Sidenote: did you all know about my youtube channel? No? Take a look maybe...? *is shameless* )
That's right kids! Gather round for Julia's story time!
I went to a really tiny primary school. Like, really really small. I think there were about six girls, counting me, in my entire year group, and around ten boys. Of course, at that age, being friends with boys is kind of And the issue was that I didn't really like any of the girls. So I had a best (only) friend in primary one, and then she left and moved to Australia. The same thing happened the next year (except the friend didn't move as far away this time). Then I made friends with a girl in the year below and she remained pretty much the only person I would hang out with at school.
This was all between the ages of five and ten, and then I moved schools (it's a long story, I won't bore you with it), and made a few new friends. But still, I got left with a horrifically dull personality. I was just that smart girl. Mildly socially inept. Really shy. Mostly harmless.
You see, trying to improve yourself while surrounded by the same minds, never meeting anyone new or different, is kind of like trying to build an internal combustion engine out of paper clips and cardboard boxes.
But then.
When I got to high school, a personality was starting to surface. I met some new people. I made some new friends. The next year I heard Biffy Clyro for the first time and suddenly there was this whole world of music I hadn't known existed. The year after that I went to camp for the first time.
I have this theory that everyone you meet changes you. You don't even have to know their name. You do have to let it happen, but we can get into all that psychological theorizing another day: what I'm trying to say is, I met a lot of people that year. And it changed me.
I'm not sure how noticeable the change was for the people who knew me. Maybe there had been a personality there under all the social ineptitude and shyness, but for the first time I felt like I was someone, someone who was actually fun and interesting. I was a lot more confident, more likely to burst into song in a public place just for the hell of it.
I'm now pretty happy with myself as I am, but all the above has left me with this constant desire to improve myself. I don't regret my lack of friends as a child, because it made me who I am...does that make sense? And I'm sure in a few years I will have changed a lot more - I hope for the better.
It's why I started dyeing my hair. I felt like I'd changed internally and wanted to show that in an external way, I guess. But I don't tell many people that because it would involve telling them this whole story.
So, back to the self-improvement thing: the thing I most need to change (i.e my worst personality trait) is definitely my inability to think before I speak.
Among my group of friends, we toss insults around like other people toss around pop culture references. It's not a big deal. We all know we're joking, and nothing ever really gets taken seriously. It's nice, comfortable. But it does mean that sometimes I forget that it's not ok to casually insult people who barely know you, and it's left me in situations.
It doesn't seem like a big thing, I guess. But I feel like it's something that needs to change or, at best, I make myself look stupid, and at worst I offend people I care about.
I'm afraid that this has become a kind of "brief history of Julia" post. I'm sorry. To compensate, have this blurry picture of me with Alex Day:
That's also a story for another day.
(Sidenote: did you all know about my youtube channel? No? Take a look maybe...? *is shameless* )
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Epic Pizza John and Other Things
Oh why hello, my darlings!
I'm sorry I said that. I just made things awkward. Ahem. Well, I'm doing another post the night before mainly because I will be busy AGAIN on Thursday. But Happy Thursday to everyone, anyways. I won't always be busy on Thursdays, but I have to go get a bone spur in my chin checked out tomorrow, you know, to make sure I won't die anytime soon. The usual.
Now, I realized that y'all don't know what to do for a topic this week. Lucky for you, I've come to save the day! Da da da daaaaa! Here's the topic: What's your worst personality trait? Why? Oh, do tell!
Oh, here's a picture of me, by the way.
I apologize if I look like I just woke up or something. I just got back from school. It makes me frazzled.
Now I certainly don't have to think hard about this topic at all. Without doubt, my worst personality trait is selfishness. I have pissed a lot of people off that way, and I'm not proud of it. And I'm not talking about wanting everything for myself (although that's the case sometimes). I just spend so much time thinking about myself that I've found it difficult to be empathetic towards others. My Mama was the first to notice, and she was certainly vocal about it. It was even difficult to feel bad for my Grandma when she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. And when I would act indifferent about it when everyone else was sad, I remember my mom called me heartless. That stung, but it was one of many more insults to come.
As time passed, I built even more walls, blocking out all feelings that weren't mine. I was just so focused on myself, that others began to matter even less to me. I found my friends' complaints to be annoying and whiny. I hated it when someone else was liked over me. I hated when someone had something awesome happen to them and not me. I even got angry when my mom paid more attention to my friends than me when they were over. I was a mess. A small one, but a mess nonetheless. Without even realizing it, I was becoming a full-on bitch.
My selfish tendencies became more visible to others not much later. I said things to people I would've never said a year before that. My words were as harsh as my actions. I even snapped at my mom, which never happened. There was just too much negativity inside me.
I knew what I was doing was bad. I wanted to stop. But for the first time, people noticed me and did what I told them to (I used to be a huge pushover). It felt good, but in a bad way. It pained me whenever I couldn't feel for someone who was going through a rough time, but greed dulled the pain all too quickly.
Eventually, I had a huge talk with my mom about everything I felt. I can never hide things from her. I can lie through my teeth and hurt anyone else, but not her. She could break through my walls within seconds. And she did. They were gone before I knew it. I haven't lost my new-found gregariousness, but I am no longer a selfish bitch. Now don't get me wrong, I still have moments, but they're gone before I know it. I am kinder and stronger. But I didn't do anything. That was my mom's doing.
Does anyone have that one person who can see right through them? My mom and I are best friends, and I love her more than anyone else on this planet. We've gotten through more things together than alone.
Sorry for the astronomical amounts of cheese that just seeped through your brain. But I think this will help us get just a wee bit more insight about what we're all really like, not just how we act in public.
As for other things, I went down to Birmingham with a friend to see John and Hank. It was fantastic, you guys. I got a poster signed by them and everything. We didn't get back home until midnight, but it was well worth it. I finally obtained a Pizza John shirt! I got a picture with it, but my hair got in the way. It turned out to look hilarious, so I'l share it with y'all.
Doesn't it look amazing? I think so...I think so.
Lots of Love,
I'm sorry I said that. I just made things awkward. Ahem. Well, I'm doing another post the night before mainly because I will be busy AGAIN on Thursday. But Happy Thursday to everyone, anyways. I won't always be busy on Thursdays, but I have to go get a bone spur in my chin checked out tomorrow, you know, to make sure I won't die anytime soon. The usual.
Now, I realized that y'all don't know what to do for a topic this week. Lucky for you, I've come to save the day! Da da da daaaaa! Here's the topic: What's your worst personality trait? Why? Oh, do tell!
Oh, here's a picture of me, by the way.
I apologize if I look like I just woke up or something. I just got back from school. It makes me frazzled.
Now I certainly don't have to think hard about this topic at all. Without doubt, my worst personality trait is selfishness. I have pissed a lot of people off that way, and I'm not proud of it. And I'm not talking about wanting everything for myself (although that's the case sometimes). I just spend so much time thinking about myself that I've found it difficult to be empathetic towards others. My Mama was the first to notice, and she was certainly vocal about it. It was even difficult to feel bad for my Grandma when she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. And when I would act indifferent about it when everyone else was sad, I remember my mom called me heartless. That stung, but it was one of many more insults to come.
As time passed, I built even more walls, blocking out all feelings that weren't mine. I was just so focused on myself, that others began to matter even less to me. I found my friends' complaints to be annoying and whiny. I hated it when someone else was liked over me. I hated when someone had something awesome happen to them and not me. I even got angry when my mom paid more attention to my friends than me when they were over. I was a mess. A small one, but a mess nonetheless. Without even realizing it, I was becoming a full-on bitch.
My selfish tendencies became more visible to others not much later. I said things to people I would've never said a year before that. My words were as harsh as my actions. I even snapped at my mom, which never happened. There was just too much negativity inside me.
I knew what I was doing was bad. I wanted to stop. But for the first time, people noticed me and did what I told them to (I used to be a huge pushover). It felt good, but in a bad way. It pained me whenever I couldn't feel for someone who was going through a rough time, but greed dulled the pain all too quickly.
Eventually, I had a huge talk with my mom about everything I felt. I can never hide things from her. I can lie through my teeth and hurt anyone else, but not her. She could break through my walls within seconds. And she did. They were gone before I knew it. I haven't lost my new-found gregariousness, but I am no longer a selfish bitch. Now don't get me wrong, I still have moments, but they're gone before I know it. I am kinder and stronger. But I didn't do anything. That was my mom's doing.
Does anyone have that one person who can see right through them? My mom and I are best friends, and I love her more than anyone else on this planet. We've gotten through more things together than alone.
Sorry for the astronomical amounts of cheese that just seeped through your brain. But I think this will help us get just a wee bit more insight about what we're all really like, not just how we act in public.
As for other things, I went down to Birmingham with a friend to see John and Hank. It was fantastic, you guys. I got a poster signed by them and everything. We didn't get back home until midnight, but it was well worth it. I finally obtained a Pizza John shirt! I got a picture with it, but my hair got in the way. It turned out to look hilarious, so I'l share it with y'all.
Doesn't it look amazing? I think so...I think so.
Lots of Love,
This is Wednesday, I'll be your host
Hey guys, my name is Alix and I look kinda like this;
from the fact that the pictures a few years old and since I have dyed my hair
red. But I couldn’t find one I like of me recently :S I’ll take one when I have
more time for you all.
introductions... introductions... hmmm.
am quite tall with blue eyes and naturally blonde hair. I’m 17 and in College
in england which is the equavilent of the later years of High school for
america I think. Unlike Emily, my English accent is quite good... although it
could be seen as cheating as I’ve lived here all my life.
am studying to do to university next year to do something music based. Let me
talk you through my music instruments (Like Julia I name things too). I have a
bass guitar called Betty, an electric-acoustic called Elizabeth, a ukulele
called Ursula and an electric guitar which I can’t remember the name of. I
spend most of my time writing songs when I’m not at college and its kind of
what I hope to do later in life.
stuff about me includes:
- I love doctor who, sherlock and big bang theory as well as old re-runs of friends.
- Like Samantha I hate grammer and can not spell to save my life (its a good thing word tells me with red lines)
- I am fasinated by people that do food challeges so I watch a lot of Man VS Food and outrageous food too.
- My feet are always cold.
- I love cats but own a rabbit because my mum doesn’t share my fondness
- I am afraid of heights, flying, dogs and spiders.
- I will listen to any music once but if I don’t like it you wont be able to make me listen to it again.
- My life revolves around college, romantic relationships internet and music :)
best and worst days.
Michael, I can’t really define one day as best and one as worst. They change
and are manipulated by hindsight.
the moment I would say that my worst day was the first time I was broken up
with. I spent about 5 hours crying and couldn’t stand the way it made me feel.
I wanted to make him feel the pain I was going through and wanted him to see
what he had done to me. The day after he said he made a mistake and we dated
for a year more. THAT was probarly my biggest mistake to date.
best day at the moment is probarly the day my current boyfriend asked me out (I
did tell you a lot of my life was based on romantic relationships). It was so
cute. His friend was sitting with us and talking and then he told the guy to
leave. He turned to me, shaking, and just blurted it out. I was nodding before
I knew what I was doing :D
on my floor is a HUGE pile of revision notes and books for my HUGE exams coming
up tomorrow and the next week, my copy of TFIOS (which is signed in blue with
no yetis or hanks fish L), a bunch of clothes and a paint by numbers I plan to
do after my exams.
this has been so long, I tend to go on a bit when I get started.
think I’ve given a pretty basic overview of me but if you want to know more
stick around :)
the best
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Its Tuesday! Tuesday! Blogging on a Tuesday!
Hello Friends!
My name is Samantha, i will be turning 15 on Friday and I will be Tuesday for now in till this blog dies! In my school my grade started to call ourselves freashmeat, but most of the older kids seem to love us, I don't get it I hate most of my classmates. Random fact, I just noticed i made our title wrong, there i fixed it. Back on track. It's been horrible having to wait a week to post anything but now I have an hour or until my hair dries to write a good blog post.
This is what I really look like (just in case you all thought i was a cow)
I got to go see Daniel Radcliffe on Broadway. Daniel has so much energy its crazy. Doing all those back flips and stuff and after the show he was still jumping around.
Sorry that i cant tell you whats on my floor but I cleaned it yesterday so there is nothing on there. (for now) I will tell you about my walls. On there there are tons of harry potter posters a wicked the musical poster (also seen on Broadway) and one wall is covered in quotes. It's halfway done because i haven't had the time to print more but it will have a john green quote. I have a book case that is almost hists the ceiling and yes it's filled.
A few interest are reading, going on YouTube, going to go see theater productions (no i am not in them, everyone thinks that!), Harry Potter, Nerdfighteria, writing, my small town home, Wicked, Rent, and a bunch of other things.
Things I dislike, GRAMMAR! I know it's weird for a nerd to not like grammar but i hate re-reading my work. So i apologize for any mistakes here and anytime in the future. I also am one of the few people in the world that hate potatoes, any type. Only when i can smear them in ketchup are they good. Also i dont like wipped cream, im called wierd because of that to. Therefore i dont like woppie pies and when your from Lancaster, Pennsylvaina that is a crime.
O god running out of time
Best day; I think im like the Connel with that, I havnt had it yet. Its like you just think it's another good day untill the rest of them are bad. A good day is when i can spend it with my friends and we dont get in trouble for being teenagers. Cause that has happened before. If i have to pick one it would be the time i went to New york and saw Wicked.
Worst day: one day my friend told me she was going to kill herself, i thought she was just in a mood and would get over it. Well the next day at school in the morning she told me that she tought it over and knew how she was going to do it and she told me. I spent the whole day panicing about her. Before i even left school i was on the phone with my mom asking her to call my friends mom and i told her everything i knew. Then my friend went to a rehab center and hated me and this other guy that she told (they were best friends and she liked him).
Can't wait to read the rest of them and you should all be In your pants more often, that sounded wrong.
See you next week, Samantha
My name is Samantha, i will be turning 15 on Friday and I will be Tuesday for now in till this blog dies! In my school my grade started to call ourselves freashmeat, but most of the older kids seem to love us, I don't get it I hate most of my classmates. Random fact, I just noticed i made our title wrong, there i fixed it. Back on track. It's been horrible having to wait a week to post anything but now I have an hour or until my hair dries to write a good blog post.
This is what I really look like (just in case you all thought i was a cow)
I got to go see Daniel Radcliffe on Broadway. Daniel has so much energy its crazy. Doing all those back flips and stuff and after the show he was still jumping around.
Sorry that i cant tell you whats on my floor but I cleaned it yesterday so there is nothing on there. (for now) I will tell you about my walls. On there there are tons of harry potter posters a wicked the musical poster (also seen on Broadway) and one wall is covered in quotes. It's halfway done because i haven't had the time to print more but it will have a john green quote. I have a book case that is almost hists the ceiling and yes it's filled.
A few interest are reading, going on YouTube, going to go see theater productions (no i am not in them, everyone thinks that!), Harry Potter, Nerdfighteria, writing, my small town home, Wicked, Rent, and a bunch of other things.
Things I dislike, GRAMMAR! I know it's weird for a nerd to not like grammar but i hate re-reading my work. So i apologize for any mistakes here and anytime in the future. I also am one of the few people in the world that hate potatoes, any type. Only when i can smear them in ketchup are they good. Also i dont like wipped cream, im called wierd because of that to. Therefore i dont like woppie pies and when your from Lancaster, Pennsylvaina that is a crime.
O god running out of time
Best day; I think im like the Connel with that, I havnt had it yet. Its like you just think it's another good day untill the rest of them are bad. A good day is when i can spend it with my friends and we dont get in trouble for being teenagers. Cause that has happened before. If i have to pick one it would be the time i went to New york and saw Wicked.
Worst day: one day my friend told me she was going to kill herself, i thought she was just in a mood and would get over it. Well the next day at school in the morning she told me that she tought it over and knew how she was going to do it and she told me. I spent the whole day panicing about her. Before i even left school i was on the phone with my mom asking her to call my friends mom and i told her everything i knew. Then my friend went to a rehab center and hated me and this other guy that she told (they were best friends and she liked him).
Can't wait to read the rest of them and you should all be In your pants more often, that sounded wrong.
See you next week, Samantha
Monday, January 16, 2012
Clever Introductions and Other Such Things.
Hello, I'm Michael. I shall be posting on Mondays from now on. Here is a picture of my face.
I live in Michigan, which is in the United States. I'm actually from South Korea, but that's another story for another day.
My hobbies include:
- Writing
- Watching TV shows
- Frequenting YouTube
- Complaining about how small my town is and how there's nothing to do
- Being Awesome
- Listening to music
- Pursuing girls way out of my league
- And apparently, blogging now.
- Oh, and making lists.
- I like making lists.
I am a self-declared nerd, although several people tend to make that assumption of me. My current height and I have problems. You see, my height doesn't like change, and it hasn't changed since eighth grade. I, however, enjoy changed, and would love it if my height decided to grow up a bit. Unfortunately, it refuses and I can't do anything to change that.
Speaking of grades, I am currently a senior in high school. I'm seventeen years old. I have an unhealthy obsession with Paramore and Doctor Who. I consider myself to be quite smart, as I have good grades and I haven't lit my house on fire by accident. I tend to try to hard to be funny and clever, but I usually fail horribly. I sometimes come off as arrogant, so I apologize if I offend any of you guys.
Here's a picture of where I do things and stuff on my computer.
And this is a picture of my wall.
Yeahh, fun stuff.
So, worst/best day:
I know I'm sounding pretentious saying this, but I don't really have a 'best' day or a 'worst' day of my life, and I don't really believe I'll have one. Memories age with time and often change with the events that follow. A good memory can be turned sour through trickery or deceit. A bad memory can turn good with the wisdom gained from it. Or maybe I'm full of it and I've never had it really bad, or really good. Irregardless, I don't really have a best day yet, nor a worst day yet. But hey, I've got a lifetime to establish them.
Anyways, I think that wraps everything basic up. If you wish to know anything else, then just ask me. Oh! And I sometimes spell my name as 'Mikel'. Just a heads up.
Best Wishes,
Saturday, January 14, 2012
"Brief" Introductions.
Hey! My name is Julia. This is what I look like:

I live in Scotland, which, as everyone knows, is a town in the North of England. You have to be weatherproof in order to survive here. That, or own a very good jacket.
So, as it's introduction week, I thought I'd give you the basics. I am close to albino pale (due to lack of sunlight, thanks to prolonged exposure to the internet), tall, and no one can quite decide what colour my eyes are. I've been dying my hair red for just over a year, and in that time it's progressed from ginger to serious ketchup-red and then back to ginger.
I am slightly addicted to tea, books, tweed jackets, and buying guitars. I like to pretend I'm a musician, though I can never get taken seriously in music stores. 
This is my current musical family. Far left is Yuki, the mandolin is Roy, the uke is Rawlins, the acoustic guitar is Phil, the bass is Boris, and the beautiful resonator on the far right is Kingsley. I'm also currently in the process of fixing up a ukulele banjo that's older than me, but it's proving a bit tricky to source a bridge since it's kind of an obscure instrument.
My music taste consists mostly of Scottish indie/alternative, though I like a lot of English and American bands as well. I might be the only person for fifty miles who sorts their CDs by artist nationality rather than alphabetically, or by genre. I always win the "most obscure thing on your iPod" game with Mongolian pop (it's a thing).
I like to use words and phrases that have fallen out of use - "For shame!" and "Forsooth" and "groovy" (yeah, you all know where that last one came from). I have a fairly large vocabulary (my friends just keep me around so I can tell them what words mean) thanks to all the books I read, and I read a lot. I've actually run out of space on my bookshelves. I don't really know what to do about it, other than stack books on the floor, and I'm clumsy so that probably wouldn't work out too well.
OK, so best day, worst day. Um...
I guess my best day would be one day last summer. I go to an international summer camp every year, though it's less of a camp and more of a school-type thing, which sounds like a crazy thing to do with your Summer but it's always really fun! It lasts three weeks and you can choose one academic subject to do and one elective, so I usually do creative writing and film or theatre. But I really only go to meet interesting, fantastic people from all over the world. So ANYWAY, the day in question was the last day of camp or, more specifically, the last night. My friends and I had dragged our duvets and pillows out into a wide bit of corridor and built a kind of nest. Like this:
We were all kind of distressed because we knew we'd have to say goodbye to each other soon. There were buses leaving for airports every three hours starting at three AM so we all stayed awake to see people off. There were more tears and hugs and promises to write than I can count, and it was miserable and awful, but also a very dear memory. To me, it represents all those amazing people who influenced and changed me, and made me laugh and who I was sad to see go. I guess that's why it's the best day.
As for my worst day, I'm not really sure. No day is really jumping out at me as particularly bad. I suppose it's not that terrible, but Christmas day two years ago was pretty terrifying for me. I'd been really ill for a few days before and I'd had trouble sleeping that night. I woke up early and the room was spinning. It wasn't like your standard dizziness, it was like I really couldn't tell which way I was facing or what was up or down or anything. I got up to get some water from the bathroom and my vision was all foggy, and on the way back to my bedroom it got so bad that all I could see was these black dots spinning around and I ended up walking into my dressing table and falling and not being able to see to get back up. It was one of the scariest experiences I've had and I ended up staying in bed for most of the day. And it was Christmas. So yeah.
Ok, so: stuff on my floor. I have some graphic novels - the Sandman volume 3, V for Vendetta, and Maus. I also have a copy of The Hunger Games (I was rereading it in preparation for the movie), my laptop, and the first season of Doctor Who (the one from 1963). It's tidier than it usually is. Maybe I could show you my wall instead:
I like to stick things to my walls. This probably tells you more about me than I could ever put into words. To the left are some of my posters (there are more on the other walls): Morrissey, Biffy Clyro, Pink Floyd, Roxy Music, Death Cab for Cutie, and you can just see my David Bowie one reflected in the mirror. Then, on the right, is just everything else: photos, train tickets, leaflets, festival/movie/gig/plane tickets, letters, my Biffy Clyro guitar pick collection, cards, drawings my friends did for me, that kind of thing. I love having that wall there because every time I look at it I can see all my friends and all the people who shaped my life and all the places I've been. It's nice.
This was quite long. I do apologize, and I can't wait to read whoever-comes-next's post!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Getting to Knoooow Yooouuu!
Hey you guys, it's Emily!
I know that I posted this late on Wednesday night, but I probably wouldn't have done this Thursday (my actual day) after school. I have to do some studying for a test and practice a LOT on my violin (I've been slacking off the past week). So, I'm typing this now as I listen to Moonlight Sonata, my favorite Beethoven piece from childhood. Let's get this started.
SO, the topic this week (I'm assuming) is getting to know each other. I'll start off with the oh-so basics. Ahem. I'm a sophomore in high school over in the states. I have a passion for music, seeing as I play the flute, violin, and harp. Musicals are my favorite type of movie, gee what a surprise. My false English accent is atrocious, and my friends hate when I use it. Hey, it's either that or my natural Southern accent. I hate wearing socks, I suck at sports, I can't not have a song stuck in my head, I remember all of my dreams, and I pick Pepsi over Coke.
As if I couldn't get any more random.
Now, for the Best Day, Worst Day segment. YAY! Hm, I'm going to really suck at this, but I'll do my best! Huzzah!
The best day I ever had was last year in October when I was in the mountains in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. My family had rented a huge cabin near the top of a mountain, and my uncle and aunt from Maryland came too. I hadn't seen them in 5 years or so. We all sat outside on the huge deck when it was dark out. I remember there were so many stars in the sky, it didn't seem real. I was all cozy, wrapped up in a big blanket, talking with my family. In that night, I saw six--that's right, six shooting stars! It's was more amazing than anything I've ever experienced!
Now for the worst day, I'd say it was all the way back when I was 8 years old. My stomach hurt all day long, but it progressively got worse while I was at horse-back riding lessons. Bouncing around on a giant horsey does not always make things better, especially when your stomach is flouncing around in your body. My stomach finally revolted against me on the drive home with my friend and her dad when I puked all over his car. I threw up again as soon as I got back home. And again. And again. Damn the twenty-four hour flu. I was traumatized after that, and refused to ride with them to lessons ever again. I think back on it now and laugh, but I still have a bit of a fear of vomiting.
And as far as things hanging around my room, I have my 3ds, TFiOS (a signed copy!), some Vaseline, 4 stuffed pandas, my charcoal pencils and blending stumps for drawing, and a pair of pants. I would've taken pictures, but gosh darn I'm just too lazy this week! There will be pictures next week.
I hope I did this well enough for a first try. Let me know what you guys have to say! Later, Alligators!
PS: Oh, and I have a Legend of Zelda joke for you guys! Why doesn't Ganondorf go on the Internet? Because there are to many links! HA! *Slaps knee* That's gold, right there, y'all, that's freaking gold.
I know that I posted this late on Wednesday night, but I probably wouldn't have done this Thursday (my actual day) after school. I have to do some studying for a test and practice a LOT on my violin (I've been slacking off the past week). So, I'm typing this now as I listen to Moonlight Sonata, my favorite Beethoven piece from childhood. Let's get this started.
SO, the topic this week (I'm assuming) is getting to know each other. I'll start off with the oh-so basics. Ahem. I'm a sophomore in high school over in the states. I have a passion for music, seeing as I play the flute, violin, and harp. Musicals are my favorite type of movie, gee what a surprise. My false English accent is atrocious, and my friends hate when I use it. Hey, it's either that or my natural Southern accent. I hate wearing socks, I suck at sports, I can't not have a song stuck in my head, I remember all of my dreams, and I pick Pepsi over Coke.
As if I couldn't get any more random.
Now, for the Best Day, Worst Day segment. YAY! Hm, I'm going to really suck at this, but I'll do my best! Huzzah!
The best day I ever had was last year in October when I was in the mountains in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. My family had rented a huge cabin near the top of a mountain, and my uncle and aunt from Maryland came too. I hadn't seen them in 5 years or so. We all sat outside on the huge deck when it was dark out. I remember there were so many stars in the sky, it didn't seem real. I was all cozy, wrapped up in a big blanket, talking with my family. In that night, I saw six--that's right, six shooting stars! It's was more amazing than anything I've ever experienced!
Now for the worst day, I'd say it was all the way back when I was 8 years old. My stomach hurt all day long, but it progressively got worse while I was at horse-back riding lessons. Bouncing around on a giant horsey does not always make things better, especially when your stomach is flouncing around in your body. My stomach finally revolted against me on the drive home with my friend and her dad when I puked all over his car. I threw up again as soon as I got back home. And again. And again. Damn the twenty-four hour flu. I was traumatized after that, and refused to ride with them to lessons ever again. I think back on it now and laugh, but I still have a bit of a fear of vomiting.
And as far as things hanging around my room, I have my 3ds, TFiOS (a signed copy!), some Vaseline, 4 stuffed pandas, my charcoal pencils and blending stumps for drawing, and a pair of pants. I would've taken pictures, but gosh darn I'm just too lazy this week! There will be pictures next week.
I hope I did this well enough for a first try. Let me know what you guys have to say! Later, Alligators!
PS: Oh, and I have a Legend of Zelda joke for you guys! Why doesn't Ganondorf go on the Internet? Because there are to many links! HA! *Slaps knee* That's gold, right there, y'all, that's freaking gold.
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