Tuesday, January 31, 2012

randomness is starting......... NOW!

Part 1. Check emails. We need to talk.
Part 2. My school is so annoying! I'm really bad at Spanish so they moved me down a level. At this point in time I'm in a class filled with really dumb older kids. I was supposed to get my study hall and my Spanish class switched around so that i would be with some more well behaved kids. That hasn't happened yet. Now i happen to like my study hall so what ever they do I'm OK with. But its still annoying when people in the class come up and ask "Are you moving?"
Part 3. i have written 30 pages in about 2 weeks, most of it during school. WIN! Still have no real idea where I'm going with it. Thats my main project right now. That, my grades, trying to make this thing flow more smoothly and i think thats it right now.
Part 4. The thing I always wanted to do. I always wanted to go on a road trip but my parents don't have the money to and i cant drive, nor do i have the friends that would do that with me. Well maybe the one, she would be fun to go on a road trip with. Bit of background on my obsession with road trips, I blame Mr. Green. He wrote paper towns and ever since I got my hands on that book i have wanted to go on one. They just seem like so much fun! Driving around the country doing what ever you want, going to all the cool conventions that may be going on at the time.
Part 5: things that scream you. My harry potter stuff. I don't wear it all the time but its defiantly my thing.
Part 6: If someone other then us is reading this HELLO! I saw that people where looking at this earlier but i dont know if anyone is still around. If you are, say something! I want to know if we are just talking to each other or not.
Part 7: no more questions added, we have three going on. I make realy short blogs, all well. Shows how jumpy my brain is.

I would tell you all not to forget to be awesome but you dont need to be reminded :D
- Samantha

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