Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Its Tuesday! Tuesday! Blogging on a Tuesday!

Hello Friends!
My name is Samantha, i will be turning 15 on Friday and I will be Tuesday for now in till this blog dies! In my school my grade started to call ourselves freashmeat, but most of the older kids seem to love us, I don't get it I hate most of my classmates. Random fact, I just noticed i made our title wrong, there i fixed it. Back on track. It's been horrible having to wait a week to post anything but now I have an hour or until my hair dries to write a good blog post.
This is what I really look like (just in case you all thought i was a cow)

I got to go see Daniel Radcliffe on Broadway.  Daniel has so much energy its crazy. Doing all those back flips and stuff and after the show he was still jumping around.

Sorry that i cant tell you whats on my floor but I cleaned it yesterday so there is nothing on there. (for now) I will tell you about my walls. On there there are tons of harry potter posters a wicked the musical poster (also seen on Broadway) and one wall is covered in quotes. It's halfway done because i haven't had the time to print more but it will have a john green quote. I have a book case that is almost hists the ceiling and yes it's filled.

A few interest are reading, going on YouTube, going to go see theater productions (no i am not in them, everyone thinks that!), Harry Potter, Nerdfighteria, writing, my small town home, Wicked, Rent, and a bunch of other things.

Things I dislike, GRAMMAR! I know it's weird for a nerd to not like grammar but i hate re-reading my work. So i apologize for any mistakes here and anytime in the future. I also am one of the few people in the world that hate potatoes, any type. Only when i can smear them in ketchup are they good. Also i dont like wipped cream, im called wierd because of that to. Therefore i dont like woppie pies and when your from Lancaster, Pennsylvaina that is a crime.

O god running out of time

Best day; I think im like the Connel with that, I havnt had it yet. Its like you just think it's another good day untill the rest of them are bad. A good day is when i can spend it with my friends and we dont get in trouble for being teenagers. Cause that has happened before. If i have to pick one it would be the time i went to New york and saw Wicked.

Worst day: one day my friend told me  she was going to kill herself, i thought she was just in a mood and would get over it. Well the next day at school in the morning she told me that she tought it over and knew how she was going to do it and she told me. I spent the whole day panicing about her. Before i even left school i was on the phone with my mom asking her to call my friends mom and i told her everything i knew. Then my friend went to a rehab center and hated me and this other guy that she told (they were best friends and she liked him).
Can't wait to read the rest of them and you should all be In your pants more often, that sounded wrong.

See you next week, Samantha

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