Thursday, January 26, 2012

Me and My Insanity

Hey guys, guess what? I'm actually posting on Thursday! Yaaaay! I don't know about you guys, but this has been the slowest week ever. I woke up just about every day thinking that it was Friday. You know that crushing feeling you get when you realize it's not Friday? It sucks. 
I just spent the past two hours editing a PSA on stereotyping for my English class. Much to my surprise, I enjoyed editing it. Maybe if it's good enough, I'll show it to y'all when I'm finished with it. I'm not the best, but I liked doing it nonetheless.
So for this week's topic, I'm kind of spinning off of Michael's question (you know, what projects are you working on, and stuff). I have multiple projects and hobbies aside from the internet, believe it or not. I have a lovely violin named Fiona whom I adore and cherish. I've been playing her for a little over three months now, and I have a flute named Astrid, who I've played for four years. I also have a Celtic folk harp, who I've yet to name. I draw, as well. I give tarot card readings to people and do yoga frequently. 
This all seems fine and dandy, but my problem is this: I want to do too many things all at once. Like, a lot of things. I never realized this until some time last week, when I was thinking about dancing. 
As long as I can remember, I've always wanted to dance, specifically ballet. It was one of those things I always felt drawn to, like playing music. Sometimes I'd just flail around in my room and imagine I was a ballerina, which is rather embarrassing to think about. It was also one of those things that I thought I was never cut out to do. You know, I don't have a long neck or arched feet, and I'm not ballet thin...but I'm not fat either. So, I kept it to myself, dying a little whenever I met a ballet dancer at school, wishing I was one of them.
I eventually confessed this to my mom last week, and she started laughing. She said I was too clumsy to do something like ballet. I felt kind of hurt, but persisted, refusing to take no for an answer. I had repressed one of my dreams for years, and I wasn't about to let it be crushed. We talked about me taking a class and she said that taking one now would just make me more busy and crazy than ever. I knew she was right, but I didn't want to wait longer. I told her that it would happen over summer, if that was the case.
My parents are both against me taking it, coming up with every excuse in the book, but not outright saying it, you know? I don't care though, because I'm taking them anyways dammit. I'll have to wait until summer, but I''m still taking them!
The point to this whole rant is that I want to do too many things at a time. I have violin lessons, I want to take up a painting class, ballet, do more yoga, harp, and a few other things on the side. With my crazy Human Anatomy class and three other honors classes right now, I can't do it all. But I want to. That's how I've always been, but I must be careful before I burn out.
So, my question to you guys is this: Is there something you've always wanted to do, but never had the chance? Were you too shy, like me, or were there other things that blocked you? Do tell!
Well, this'll be a long time between now and summer, but I'll take it one day at a time and focus hard on violin until my time comes. I'm driven, if nothing else. Anyways, you guys have a lovely weekend!

Lots of Love,

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