Wednesday, January 18, 2012

This is Wednesday, I'll be your host

Hey guys, my name is Alix and I look kinda like this;

Apart from the fact that the pictures a few years old and since I have dyed my hair red. But I couldn’t find one I like of me recently :S I’ll take one when I have more time for you all.

So introductions... introductions... hmmm.

I am quite tall with blue eyes and naturally blonde hair. I’m 17 and in College in england which is the equavilent of the later years of High school for america I think. Unlike Emily, my English accent is quite good... although it could be seen as cheating as I’ve lived here all my life.

I am studying to do to university next year to do something music based. Let me talk you through my music instruments (Like Julia I name things too). I have a bass guitar called Betty, an electric-acoustic called Elizabeth, a ukulele called Ursula and an electric guitar which I can’t remember the name of. I spend most of my time writing songs when I’m not at college and its kind of what I hope to do later in life.

Random stuff about me includes:
  •   I love doctor who, sherlock and big bang theory as well as old re-runs of friends. 
  •    Like Samantha I hate grammer and can not spell to save my life (its a good thing word tells me with red lines)
  •   I am fasinated by people that do food challeges so I watch a lot of Man VS Food and outrageous food too. 
  •   My feet are always cold.
  • I love cats but own a rabbit because my mum doesn’t share my fondness 
  •   I am afraid of heights, flying, dogs and spiders.
  •   I will listen to any music once but if I don’t like it you wont be able to make me listen to it again.
  •  My life revolves around college, romantic relationships internet and music :)
 So, best and worst days.

Like Michael, I can’t really define one day as best and one as worst. They change and are manipulated by hindsight.

At the moment I would say that my worst day was the first time I was broken up with. I spent about 5 hours crying and couldn’t stand the way it made me feel. I wanted to make him feel the pain I was going through and wanted him to see what he had done to me. The day after he said he made a mistake and we dated for a year more. THAT was probarly my biggest mistake to date.

My best day at the moment is probarly the day my current boyfriend asked me out (I did tell you a lot of my life was based on romantic relationships). It was so cute. His friend was sitting with us and talking and then he told the guy to leave. He turned to me, shaking, and just blurted it out. I was nodding before I knew what I was doing :D

Currently on my floor is a HUGE pile of revision notes and books for my HUGE exams coming up tomorrow and the next week, my copy of TFIOS (which is signed in blue with no yetis or hanks fish L), a bunch of clothes and a paint by numbers I plan to do after my exams.

Sorry this has been so long, I tend to go on a bit when I get started.

I think I’ve given a pretty basic overview of me but if you want to know more stick around :)

All the best

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