Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Worst blog i have posted. (Sorry)

Hello everyone!
Has this last week gone by fast or is it just me? So how are all of the mid terms going if your taking them? If you are not. LUCKY!!!!!!
Topic for this week was your worst trait. I'm really quiet and a push over. I get yelled at constantly for never talking by my friends and my mom thinks i need to stop letting my friends tell me what to do.
I'm a push over in the way that if you would insult me and where my friend i wouldn't do anything about it. Now if one of them asked me to do drugs I'd be like ell no. But when it comes to things like that I'm afraid of losing them as friends. I won't talk about being quite. I think that's universal.
One more thing, I have trust issues. Growing up I couldn't tell my one friends something or the whole world would know. Now i know that that sounds dumb but it was when i was like in 3rd grade so it affects a person. Now, your lucky to know what i think of people because I'm afraid it will come back to bite me in the but.
Sorry that this is horrible. I cant think about a good long paragraph to save my life.
But i will tell you about this weekend, why? Cause it was fun and it was my birthday. I went roller skating with a few of my friends and 2 of them cant skate to save there lives so it was great. few things about my friends, never give the one cheese. Yes i said cheese, she gets hyper over it and i could tell you why. OK, that added some length to this. Not much. Sorry this is so bad but all of these test are turning my brains to mush.

DFTBA (i almost forgot how to type that.)

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