Saturday, April 7, 2012


So I cannot thank you guys enough for all your advice. It helped a lot. And I'm feeling a lot better about this whole situation, or at least, I've had a chance to distance myself from it a bit. I was out with my friends and it was such a lovely day and we were laughing and I just kind of thought, why would I need anyone else? So although I'm still a bit sad and stressy, it's better.

I've spent the week trying to study, but I haven't got as much done as I'd have liked. Yesterday I went to see the Hunger Games for the second time with my friend Declan, who is easily one of my favourite people in the world, and two of his friends from his drama class, who are both terrifically nerdy. It was nice, and also I bought volume 4 of Sweet Tooth, which is quickly becoming one of my favourite graphic novels. Lost at Sea by Bryan Lee O'Malley is my favourite graphic novel ever, if anyone's curious.

Prom is right after my exams and I need to buy a dress, but I'm struggling to find anything that I like. I'm not really one for, y'know, conventional prom-type stuff. One of my friends mentioned to me that someone is throwing an after party that apparently "everyone" is invited to, but I really hate parties, so I turned round to the rest of my friends and suggested we all got together for a My Little Pony marathon instead.

I don't want to wear anything floor length because I feel like that would just be inconvenient and irritating, and I also kind of hate glitter and gaudiness. I mean, is it too much to ask for something elegant, yet bold? Unusual, yet classic? I'm going back and forth between just settling for something that I don't really mind, or throwing caution to the wind and going all out steampunk or Lolita or something.

On Monday I went to Alex Day's signing and I just had the nicest day. Declan (he's my only friend who likes youtube, you see) and I went into Edinburgh early and sat in the station for a while, waiting for Alex's train to get in, which is a bit stalkerish, I realise. While we were waiting, we met up with some lovely people I know from previous gatherings, who we ended up spending the day with. We saw Alex's coat through the crowd and all rushed over to him, where we were confronted with a horde of fangirls.

Then he had to leave for an interview or something, so we waited in the station a bit more for our friend Jenny to show up, at which point we headed over to HMV, where a line was already forming. We went in and bought our copies of Lady Godiva in case the store sold out (which, in fact, they did) then went to Waterstone's to leave nerdfighter notes, and then went to McDonalds. We were standing on the pavement waiting for the lights to change when suddenly we notice that Alex Day is standing right next to us. I kind of creepily reached out to touch his coat, but he started running for a taxi so that didn't work out.

We eventually joined the huge line outside HMV and I got out my new Uke, Roderick, and we sang a Forever Yours and a few (a lot of) Chameleon Circuit songs, and also Friday. And we finally got in and Alex signed Roderick for me, and I was horribly awkward. Anyway, here's a picture:

I like how pleased Danny looks in this.

After the signing we all went for Pizza and it was really nice, just sitting, chatting. It was genuinely sad saying goodbye to people, I think we all had a really amazing day. 

Okay, I'm sleepy. Thank you again for all your kind words and encouragement, you guys are the best <3 
See you next week.
~Julia x 

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