Friday, April 6, 2012

Stay Strong!

So I know it's not actually Thursday, but oh well. I had a bunch of studying to do this week for a huge a test in Anatomy. I can't believe I actually studied though. It still feels so weird.

Oh, and happy Good Friday to everyone! I'm not sure what it is, but I have a day off from school today. It's something Christian, though. Well actually, we have a weather day, but it just HAPPENED to fall on a Christian holiday. Coincidence? I think not. But I also don't have violin lessons tonight, since I go to a Christian school, what a big surprise. This seems to annoy my mother to no end. I think its because all the magazines they have are about the bible and stuff. But hey, they give out free snacks, so I'm not complaining!

Anyways, I had an Anatomy test, as mentioned above. I heard from former students that it was the hardest test, so I studied my ASS off for the past four days. It was intense. SO the test went by smoothly for the most part. I blanked on a couple of questions, but I think I still did pretty well. But the pressure to finish everything is SO not over yet. I still have an Anatomy project due Monday, an oral test where I have to name all of the bones (I have a skeleton in front of me, though), a teaching unit where I go to elementary schools and teach little kids french for three weeks, AND a research paper! It's a shock that I haven't exploded yet.

Well, that pretty much sums up my week. Moving on to Julia's issues.

Really? They're making fun of you over a fanfiction? How old are we, seven? Why do they even care? It sounds to me like they're just really immature. Well I agree with what Alix said about clearing your mind over the course of the next two weeks.

Go jog, walk, or whatever makes you feel good. Eat your favorite foods and stay in bed longer, anything that'll make you happy! That way, you'll be able to think clearly and objectively about the whole situation. If you can, talk to a parent or someone close who can tell you the best way to handle it. I don't know the inner workings of your brain, so I won't tell you how you can and can't do things. That's up to you.

But whatever happens, don't let the kids teasing you know that this hurts you. If they think you couldn't care less, they'll eventually go away. Always appear to be strong, even when you're dying inside. That's how I've survived.

So use this break to your advantage. Visualize yourself happy, confident, and totally unaffected by negativity. Absolutely nothing can get in the way of your happiness except yourself, if you let it happen. As Henry Ford once said: Believe you can; believe you can't. Either way, you're right.

I hope that made sense, if nothing else. I wish you the best!

Have a lovely week, you awesome people!

Lots of Love

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