Saturday, April 28, 2012

I'm not sure this ice cream analogy works the way I hoped it would.

I'm not sure how much you guys know about the Scottish exam system (because goodness, the English and American school systems baffle me no end) but basically, the real, proper, incredibly important exams fall between the Easter holiday and the Summer holiday. The best way I've heard it described is by a guy I've met once or twice at gatherings: it's like someone gives you an ice cream, and when you've eaten half of it, they take it away and punch you in the face. Then they give it back. I'm at the face-punching stage. My exams start in three weeks, so that's a bit scary. I think I'm getting enough done but there's still a lot I have to do and things I'm worried about, but I'm sure it'll all work out. I hope.

Gosh, I'm incredibly tired. I was going to go to bed early last night but my friend Declan was waiting for a youtube video to upload and wouldn't let me go to sleep, so I ended up in a Skype call with him for almost three hours. Which leads me to what Alix was talking about: I think the what keeps you going/what keeps you happy thing is really interesting, and I think my friends keep me going because they keep me happy. I mean, if we're talking about my real, actual friends rather than people I just hang out with.

Like, Declan in particular I think I became friends with mostly due to mutual dislike for pretty much everyone else, but he's definitely one of my best friends now. And there's a girl who started at my school less than a year ago, I was friends with her from day one due to our shared love of Bryan Ferry and Roxy Music, and now I don't know what I'd do without her. Those two more than any of my other friends probably keep me going, because they're the ones I can trust to talk to about my problems, but they also keep me happy, because I laugh a whole lot when I'm with them. I have other awesome friends too, but yeah, that's what mostly springs to mind.

My parents keep me going, I would say, and music, however cliche it might sound. But music is one of those one-category things - like, sometimes it can make me feel better without actually making me feel happy, if that makes sense.

Emily, you sound super busy! Gah, I don't envy you with those kids - I really don't do well with children. They infuriate me beyond belief. I know I sound awful, but seriously, me + kids = screaming and crying. Anyway, I'm glad you're back! ^.^

I don't have much else to say this week. I just bought myself Jack White's new album, so I'm going to go and listen to it for the fourth time.
Best wishes,
Julia x

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