Sunday, April 22, 2012

I'm ALIVE!!!

*Gasps for breath* Oh dear god! These past few weeks have been a living hell for me, you guys! I truly do apologize for not posting anything. There was just so much going on, I don't even know where to start. Well, I'll try to explain myself.

SO right after I finished my Nervous system test AND project, my lovely teacher assigned us ANOTHER project, due in a week, on the same day as ANOTHER test. But that's not all--oh no! Teaching all of those seven year olds has proved to be a very time consuming and exhausting task. I teach two more classes this week before I'm done, thank god. I also fell ill with the most awful cold I have ever had.

And after I FINALLY finished my project and test for anatomy, I get assigned ANOTHER FREAKING PROJECT. Not to mention that I also have a research paper for English. I have had almost no time at all to even breathe. It has just been a whirlwind of papers and lesson plans and sneezing.

I only picked up my violin three times in the past two weeks.

Now after that lovely pity party I just had, things have been somewhat calmer, and there are some positive things to all of this. Lets look, shall we?

1. I made an 88/100 on my Nervous System test while over half the class failed.

2. I made a 101/101 on my bone test.

3. My students love me.

4. I am eating healthier.

5. I have finally caught up with all of my TV shows.

6. I saw Celtic Woman again. They were fantastic.

So I think the good outweighs the bad if I look at it now. Sadly, it's not over yet, for I still have about 6 weeks left of school before summer. That means there are still projects to make, tests to gripe about, and finals to study for.

But now to everyone else. Alix, I'm going to take a look at your vlog as soon as I stop typing this. I have no doubt that it will be enjoyable. And about the whole choice about moving with your boyfriend or staying for a career, do what feels right in your heart. I can't make any decision for you, and neither can anyone else, even your boyfriend. Life is all about making these kind of choices. So what if the choice you make doesn't turn out the way you expected? Those are the kind of things that you grow from, and everything in life happens for a reason.

And Julia, good move on your part with the whole prefect thing! I know how it feels to be swamped with work--and it doesn't feel pretty. I'm a big believer in having a little bit of free time every day to just relax. And here's the deal: you don't need to do everything at school to get into uni. Notice how complete idiots who barely pass make it. In the uni's eyes, you are both just two more students who are both going to graduate with the same piece of paper and get the same job. The only difference is that you probably put excess stress and worry into the whole process while the idiot parties the whole time. Now I'm not saying totally slack off, but just don't worry about getting into uni. You will.

Okay, so this week, I'll be back to my normal schedule and post on Thursday, which it my last day of teaching! Yay!

Thanks for being patient and awesome!

Lots of Love,

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