Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Dreaded Sniffles

If there has ever been a longer Thursday, I would die. A snail would go faster than this day has gone for me! The test I had in Human Anatomy kicked my ass today. I'm going to be lucky if I make a B on it. Then I had a test in French. Then I had to do character analysis on a buttload of characters in this one play for English. To make matters worse, I've only managed to practice violin once this entire week and lessons are tomorrow, and I have to have this one bluegrass piece to memorize that I despise, and I HAVE to play it completely right, AND I have like twenty zillion theory exercises to do! Jeez, can't a girl catch a break? I've fallen ill with a nasty cold. I should've known earlier.

It all started out with a slight tickle in the back of my throat, and BAM! The next day, my nose is running like crazy and I'm sneezing in sevens and eights. I carried a tissue wadded up in my hand the whole entire day, just in case of a surprise snot rocket. Seriously guys, I was ready to crawl into a hole and never come out.

Well aside from my cold, I did go see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo over the weekend. Mind. Freaking. Blown. There aren't enough words to describe how epic this movie was! Aside from the 6.5 sex scenes in the movie (yes, I kept count) it seemed pretty safe to go see. It was awkward to watch the sex with my parents, but we managed. The movie still rocked. I immediately went out to buy the sequel to the book, which I kind of feel bad for, since I didn't read the 1st book, but I couldn't help myself. The series just draws you into this amazing mystery. And, well, I kind of have a really huge crush on the main character, Lisbeth Salander.

Now, I know what you're thinking. She creeped the hell out of me when the movie first started. Crazy piercings and tattoos really aren't my thing, but...I don't know. Her character was just...I can't describe it. I fell in love with her quirky-ness. Go read the books if you can't see the movie. It's so worth it. I started reading last night and I'm already 140 pages into it. Now, I couldn't stay up late due to my dosage of Nyquil. I was out by nine o'clock last night.

Oh! And to answer Michael's question, people identify me by my hair. It's really long and super curly, so that's all people need to recognize me. But my laugh is loud and distinct, so people can use that, too. Anyways, I think this should just be a relaxed week, where we just talk about whatever, because I'm too lazy to think up a topic.

Alas, I am done with this bloggity blog. I am going to go eat and attempt to practice violin without spraying snot all over the place. I'm sorry for the awful visual. Then, I'll get my snuggie and get all nice and cozy in bed and read my book.

Mmm, that sounds nice.

Lots of Love (and snot),

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