Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Path to Enlightenment as told by yours truly.

Well, I can happily say that my cold is out of the way...but I can't say the same for my friends. I got them all sick. But that's beside the point. I'm all better. And this week has been busy for me, but incredibly fun.

You see, I've been rehearsing a play in French Club for a competition next Monday this whole entire week. It's so much fun. I've also been learning the can-can...also for French. We have to perform that in a couple weeks at a festival! It's been tiring, but I've enjoyed myself so much. I'm quite flexible, so I was already able to kick rather high. Although I stretch almost daily, I think I overdid it at the last can-can practice because my hamstrings have been awfully tight. My dad helped me stretch them out, and I used a heating pad on them.

Oh, and I just watched Black Swan a couple hours ago. Being the ballet geek I am, I was thrilled to watch it, even with my mama's warnings that I wouldn't enjoy it. She was right. I mean, it's not like it was a bad movie, it was just...creepy. Nina is a seriously disturbed girl who needs to be in a nice, padded room.

Well, enough of my rambling, and on to answer Alix's question! What do I do to unwind? Ha, I don't unwind! That's for wimps! Just kidding. For me, I honestly don't spend that much time unwinding, because I'm the most impatient person I know and don't want to wait that long to freaking unwind. There are definitely times when I get calmer, I just have to think for a minute.

Okay, I'm done thinking.

I really like taking walks. They help me clear my mind. I'm also very clear headed in the morning when I'm putting my makeup on. That's like my meditation time. I also like that time right before you fall asleep when you're just lying in bed, letting your mind wander. And lastly is when I do yoga.

Those are about the only times I have to help me truly relaxed. But oddly enough, I like being busy and crazy. Having things to do just lifts my spirits up. However I do need a bunch of alone time, as well. When I'm out and about too much, I start to feel very drained. I'm incredibly moody, so after doing a bunch of stuff, I really keep to myself and hardly talk to anyone at all. I even get annoyed if friends want to talk to me. A week later, I'm ready to go out again!

Either way, I don't relax as much as I want to, but I'm working on it, starting with taking a hot bath for my leg muscles!

Lots of Love,

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