Saturday, February 25, 2012

So it goes.

So I got all my exam results back and I did pretty well (I managed to scrape a B in the exam I thought I'd failed) so hopefully I can do just a little better in my actual real exams, and that should get me a place at university, so I can just spend next year being all relaxed. Except for, you know, trying to figure out what I want to study and what I want to do with my life, than kind of thing. Right now, I kind of struggle to see myself doing anything but sitting in bookstores, reading (I'm specifically thinking of Shakespeare & Co., Paris) but I don't think anyone would be willing to pay me to do that. So it goes.

I'm away for a few days, and I didn't bring any of my guitars or my ukulele or anything with me because I figured I wouldn't need them, but I am legitimately starting to suffer withdrawal.

I managed to smash my iPod screen while I was walking to the bus stop this week, my beautiful 32GB iPod.  I've been forced to dig out my old 8GB iPod from my wardrobe. I got rid of all videos/apps/pictures and still I only have enough space on it for about 800 songs. I had to go through my libray and choose what to leave off. It was like Sophie's choice.

On that note: I thought I would talk about the music that I like. I'm not suggesting we make this a topic, but if anyone wants to join in and do the same, then yeah, that'd be cool. You see, when I meet someone new, what kind of music do you like is my automatic, kind of ice-breaker-y question. It also gives me a fair indication of whether or not I'm going to like this person. I'm not saying I'd dislike them if they said, like, dubstep (*shudder*), I'm saying I'm pretty much guaranteed to like someone who is a Neutral Milk Hotel fan. Ok, anyway...

My absolute favourite band of all time has to be Biffy Clyro. They're not the best band I listen to, but they are the band who completely changed my music taste. Before I started listening to them about three or four years ago, I was still listening to Rihanna and all that kind of...I hate to use the word mainstream but unfortunately I can't think of anything better. Biffy's earlier albums were better than their newer stuff, but I still like all of it.

Biffy Clyro are Scottish, and I really like a lot of other Scottish indie-alternative bands. Glasgow has a great music scene and I think I would like going to gigs a lot less if I lived anywhere else. I'm also into a lot of stuff from the late 70s/early 80s like Talking Heads and Tears for Fears and the Smiths and Roxy Music.

That reminds me! I had a dream in which I met Tom Milsom, and we were just sitting in a coffee shop arguing about whether or not Roxy Music got better or worse after Brian Eno left. I said they got worse, he disagreed, which is strange because I feel like he'd agree with me in real life. (I also really like Tom Milsom's music, just for the record.)

Freelance Whales are a great band, I've been listening to them a lot recently. Someone asked me to describe them and all I could think to say was "they're very glockenspiel-driven".

Other bands what I like include Cloud Cult, the White Stripes, anything else with Jack White in it, the Kills, Editors, Snow Patrol...I could go on and on but I'm trying not to be too boring.

Also, I always win the weirdest-thing-on-your-iPod game with Sa Dingding, who is Mongolian but sings in Mandarin, Tibetan, and a language she made up herself. She's really good though. So yeah.

Emily: thank you so much! Gah, I'm not pleased with the audio quality I'm working with just now. Also I want to do fancy multi-track stuff but my audio mixing software was, you guessed it, on my iPod. The smashed one. First world problems.

Ok, I'm going to study for my physics test and the music theory exam I have in a few weeks. So long!

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