Saturday, February 18, 2012

A (not very) productive week.

So I've been off school for the past week, which has been lovely. I've not even opened a book that hasn't been of the comic variety. I got through the first two volumes of Sweet Tooth, volume four of The Sandman and I'm three quarters of the way through Watchmen. A productive week all round.

Unfortunately, I a) have to go back to school on Monday and receive exam results which I don't imagine will be good, and b) have been suffering from Tiny Chicken Disease for the past two days, which means I can't sing. At all. And believe me, I've tried, but I can't sing more than a few lines without wanting to throw up, and on top of that my voice just sounds terrible. None of this would normally be a problem, but I wrote a song right before I got sick and I'm dying to record it and see how it sounds and then, maybe, upload it.

My guitars are just sitting there. Taunting me.

I went for a driving lesson today. It was my first time behind the wheel of an actual car, and it was actually easier than I'd expected, but I didn't expect it to remind me so much of World of Warcraft. I don't really know why I think that, maybe it's just the way my mind works, but I was splitting things down into individual steps and it was kind of reminding me of my healing action bar, and how on some abilities you have to cast other heals in preparation. I didn't want to say any of this out loud because I know that to the instructor I would've sounded like some kind of psychopath, but I kept thinking "this would be so much easier if I could just make a macro".

In other news, my youtube channel just passed 100 subscribers! I'm so pleased/excited/surprised/mildly unsettled. I was feeling all the things. But sometimes I get fewer views than I have subscribers, and that worries me a lot. It probably shouldn't. In any case, I can't do anything about it, I'm going to just keep making videos and enjoying myself and then whatever happens, happens.

On that note: I'm super annoyed that I won't be at vidcon this year! I should have enough money to at least get there next year and pay for the tickets, however it may involve sleeping rough, having no money for food, and not being able to afford a flight back.

More positively I will be at Summer in the City this year. I am determined that I'm going to get there and I'm going to have fun, damn it. I'm pretty sure I'll be going alone though, so I'll just have to make friends while I'm there.

To answer Emily's question, I spent Valentine's Day being forever alone. Like every Valentine's Day. I haven't had a boyfriend in, um, maybe two years? Three? God. The issue is a surplus of nerd girls and not enough nerd boys. Also I make a kind of terrifying first impression, and not in a manic pixie dream girl type way, more like a how-can-you-say-Voyager-was-better-than-the-original-series-you-moron kind of way. However I did get to hang out with my friend Declan, and we spent the whole day doing youtube stuff and covering songs on ukulele. So that was good.

You're all brilliant, DFTBA.

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