Saturday, February 4, 2012

I think I made up some of the words in this.

So I went on the chat earlier, but either I messed up the time difference or it was just no one was online. I'm thinking it was probably the former since I'm just bad at time zones in general. Anyway, I was waiting until after we'd spoken to write this post, so now it's half ten and I'm writing this in bed.

Since we have no real topic this week, and since I don't feel like ranting, I'll just tell you what I've been doing this week.

I've had exams all this week and last, and I have just one more to go: physics, on Monday. I don't know what I was thinking, taking both latin and physics. It's like I wanted to make myself suffer.

The studying has been crazy. Last weekend I was studying for history, maths and English, which were on three consecutive days, and I just lost it. Just broke down and started crying. I only stopped because I realised I was wasting valuable studying time. So yeah, that happened, but now I've reached the stage of passive acceptance. Also the Rubik's cube has helped. To put it into perspective for you: I found my Rubik's cube two days ago, and now I know very little about physics but I can solve the cube in under four minutes.

I'm rereading the Hunger Games trilogy in preparation for the movie, and I'm halfway through the last book (which I've read twice before, but it still is so amazing and surprising and fantastic). I'm so excited to see the film. Like, really. I'm just worried they'll mess it up. Has everyone seen the new trailer? Why does Prim have the mockingjay pin? Why does Haymitch look so...tidy? So many unanswered questions!

Apart from exams, I haven't left the house at all for the past week or so. After physics on Monday, though, I shall be free as a bird. My friends are talking about going vintage shopping in Glasgow sometime next week, and there's a nerdfighter gathering in Edinburgh next week as well, which I'm super excited for! The Scottish nerdfighting community is just the best in the world. There are events all the time, and there are seventy people listed as attending the next gathering. Seventy! And we don't even have any big name youtubers going! Gah! It's going to be so much fun!

Speaking of youtube, I haven't had time to make a video in two weeks, and I feel terrifically guilty about it. I also have songwriter's block, which is no fun. But as soon as physics is done, I think I'll do a cover of Jack White's Love Interruption. If you haven't listened to it, listen to it now. Now! I love Jack White. A lot. And the White Stripes. And the Dead Weather. And the Raconteurs. Just anything with Jack White is genius.

I bought Cloud Cult's Light Chasers today, and it's a great album. I would really recommend listening to it if you like kind of synth-y, indieternative (is that a real word or did I make it up?) stuff. It's like Depeche Mode collided with Freelance Whales. If you don't listen to Depeche Mode and Freelance Whales, I must insist that you start listening to them immediately.

DFTBA and best wishes,

(Sidenote: I'm not a hipster. It just comes off that way sometimes. But really: not a hipster.)

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