Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I'm back!

Sorry that i didn't post last week, became extremely busy and kinda forgot about it in till i was lying there in bed. Yesterday i went running for the first time in a few months. Wost. Idea. Ever. Needless to say i died and im typing this from my grave.
And that also happens to be when i unwind. Running, I feel like im one of the few nerdfighters that do sports. I run Cross country (xc) and its great. Since I'm on the topic I ran into the coach that's a substitute at my school today, apparently while running she twisted her ankle. That's always fun. But its weird seeing her in school because your so used to seeing her in sweat pants or something. I almost passed out the first time i saw her in a dress. See what sports do to you? They make you think everyone lives in what they run in. I'm rambling about XC I'm going to stop now.
 I also unwind when I'm walking to and from school. I do not unwind when i go to bed. My brain jumps all over the place and i can never calm it down. I wish i could be like normal people and calm down but I'm not. I don't know why but everything i have done to embarrass myself comes back to hunt me and its never fun. Anyone else have this problem?
I tend to unwind while on the Internet. Its nice and calming unless your on 10 different sites at one time. LIke right now i have this, your pants, facebook, Maureen Johnson's twitter page and there should be something right there..... Right! Youtube! Wait that doesn't work while I'm doing this. Darn. :(
Doctor who fans, is season 4 any good? i got it for my birthday and i have a four day weekend coming up.
Happy singles awareness day! I accualy dont hate that holiday, only when my friends complain about it do i hate it.
I have got to go edit something for school now. I will talk to you all next week. BYE!
- Samantha

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