Saturday, February 11, 2012

Gathering! Yeah!

I'm very sleepy, because it's half eleven, because I was at a nerdfighter gathering in Edinburgh and I had an hour long train ride home! So. Um. Yeah.

It was a really awesome day. I got the train ride in and found the group of socially awkward internet dwellers pretty easily. Gatherings are always lovely, because although you're mostly surrounded by strangers, they all feel like friends.

We hung out for a while, waiting for latecomers, and then we (there were a lot of us, it was amazing) took over a museum, in which we played hide and seek and engaged in general silliness, including one very large group hug. Then we climbed a hill and stood in the cold, laughing and talking and stuff. I managed to get through versions of Indigo and Forever Yours and Friday even though I couldn't feel my fingers. It was fantastic, and I got to see people I knew from the last gathering, and meet new people, which I absolutely love doing.

The nerdfighter community is so amazing, and it feels like the Scottish group of nerdfighters must be one of the most active, since I've been to five different events since November. I wish I had pictures for you, but I only have video I'm afraid.

In regards to Alix's question, unwinding for me means a good book and my duvet and a cosy, oversized cardigan. Or even just going shopping with my friends - I love to just laugh with them and forget everything that's been bothering me. I also find playing music quite relaxing, and making youtube videos also feels strangely therapeutic. It's like a way of getting out some words in a constructive way, without seeming like some kind of lunatic who talks to themselves.

This shall have to be a short post because I really must sleep, but I'm off school for a week now so I promise that next Saturday I shall write a masterpiece for you all.

For the moment, goodnight.

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