Wednesday, February 15, 2012


My GOODNESS this past seven days has been crazy! On Monday, I woke up at 4 AM you guys. I was ready to die. So that was French convention day. It was so much fun, but I forgot to take my camera with me! I wanted to kick myself for not getting anything for you guys to see. We ended up dominating the competition, as usual, so I must've done something right! I'll go into more details later, though.

The rest of my week has been craziness, with all these Can-Can rehearsals, Human Anatomy studying, college entry exams, violin playing, and concert-going. Yep, that's right, my parents and I went to go to a concert on Sunday. We went to go see Celtic Woman, and it was easily one of the best performances I've seen in my life.

You guys should check out this video of them. I cry whenever I hear this song. They're all so talented, with voices like angels. I can't believe I was lucky enough to see them perform this! They never fail to inspire me to go on whenever I'm down.

Check out the violinist, if nothing else. She's wickedly good. It might seem a little dull until about 1:30, but it's really worth watching!

They helped me fully realize my passion for the arts, which is big. What was even better, is I told my mom that AT the concert, during intermission. I told her that I'm going to be pursuing the arts some day, and how that's always been my dream without really knowing it. She supports me fully and said my drive inspires her! Can you guys believe that? Talk about one of the best days of my life!

Anyways back to the convention! Majority of the day was spent with my friends and I sitting in some chairs, talking to each other with starbucks coffee in hand. It was so much fun. Oh, and I nearly had a nervous breakdown! Yeah, about ten minutes before we were going to perform, I got so nervous, I felt like I was going to cry. It was awful. I can dance, play music, anything but talk in front of and audience. It was even worse, because I was given more lines the ONE DAY I couldn't make it to rehearsals, which was the DAY BEFORE! Man, I was ready to jump out a window. When it was finally time for me to go on, I calmed down and got all ten thousand lines I had! Yaaay! I was ready to party after that play was over. And we did...well if you consider loitering a souvenir shop to be partying, then yes, we partied. Hard.

I also took a college entry exam (the ACT), which took about five hours of my Saturday morning away. I don't feel like going into details. It was terribly boring.

And my question this week is this: How was your Valentines Day? Did you have someone to share it with?
If you didn't have a valentine, that's okay. My mom was my valentine. She bought me a rose, a Happy Valentines Day balloon, and a cute little sock monkey. I also got some Godiva chocolates and a cute painting from my best friend.

Anyways, I'm off to surf the web. Stay awesome, you guys.

Lots of Love,

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