Thursday, March 22, 2012

Busy, busy, busy.

As the title says, it has been a tiring week for me. Jumping back into school right after spring break is no easy feat, and I certainly felt the effects of it. It takes everything I can to just somewhat pay attention in class, especially Anatomy. It doesn't help we're studying the oh-so complicated nervous system. It wasn't until today that stuff we learned on Monday started to click. Yeah.

Plus, the week is graduation exam week. Graduation exams are mostly taken by sophomores (like moi) and if you pass, you graduate. If you fail, you keep taking it in hopes you pass before everyone else graduates without you. I had to take 3 out of 5 (the other 2 I passed as a freshman). My last one is tomorrow, and to make things worse, it's the history one...yay. I don't remember a damn thing from my history class, but here goes nothing!

And I have a speech to write for French, as well as an essay, which I really should start on this weekend...considering they're due next week...Eh, I'll finish them sooner or later.

Oh, and you know about my violin complications? Well, I'm even more confused because I enjoyed my classes last week! My teacher was LAUGHING AND BEING HAPPY. What the hell? And to make matters worse, I went to my favorite music store (it's this super awesome log cabin place, and everyone is ultra chill and awesome there) to buy some sheet music and asked about their violin teacher. It turns out, he's classically trained by a famous violinist and has received AWARDS for his performing. And get this: everyone loves him! My head was spinning when I left the store.

So I just had a good class, but this awesome guy sounds, well, awesome. I'm still confused about the whole situation, but I have a vague idea of what'll happen. I'll stick with my current teacher until the end of this semester. If she gets her act together by summer, I'll stay. If I'm not happy, I'll give awesome guy a try. Oh, trop de drame! Thanks for the advice, you guys. It did help.

As for old trends I still like, I am an avid cd user. I have a huge collection that I'm keeping forever. I prefer flip phones over touch screen phones.I'll wear just about anything you see on The Golden Girls. I can't think of anything else off the top of my head because I'm pretty tired. Well, I'm off to bed, then. Night.

Lots of Love,

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