Tuesday, March 13, 2012


See i remembered to post today! :D And i have nothing to talk about.
Therefore i will talk about all of the problems of getting into a already sold out high school show to see your friends.
1. All of my friends are in this play (Beauty and the Beast) Therefore i had to go find people that i sort of hang out with and ask them to come with me and convince my sole friend that i hang out with out side of school to try and get her parents to let her come.
2. Getting the tickets, they have tickets that you can pre order but the first night is already sold out. If i don't get into this show my friends are going to kill me.
3. This is fun but, planning all of the stuff you are going to do if you can not get tickets. So far we have going threw the stage entrance and sitting on the floor, going back stage and being stage crew and then being useless because we don't know what we are doing therefore they will let us sit there and see the show.
On another note i get to sleep in all of this week because the older kids are taking standardize test so i get to come in late. *happy dance* Another one of my friends got tormented because she didnt have a ride to school late so she sat in a room with bad kids.
Well thats all i can think of for this week other then this question, what trends do you still like even though there outdated.
Sorry im so boring today,

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