Thursday, March 29, 2012

Presentations and Other Equally Tiring Things

Ah, I'm SO happy today is over. I had yet another busy week. What a surprise. I also had a dermatologist appointment and violin lessons today. I'll get into detail about each thing later. I also had a huge project that I did in French today. That's what I want to talk about first.

So we had a how-to speech to present and it had to be at least five minutes. I decided to teach everyone how to do yoga, since that's about the only thing fun I can teach. Well, I dreaded having to present because I usually get terrible stage fright. I tremble, my heart is pounding, my mouth it dry, and all that good stuff. But last night as I was stressing out over it, my mama sat down with me, and we had a huge talk. She put everything into perspective for me! I totally calmed down afterwards and was able to sleep peacefully.

If I started getting nervous, I would just remember what my mom told me. When time came to present, I was a little jittery, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. It went by smoothly and I got a perfect score! YAY!

So after school, I headed straight to the dermatologist. I used to have pretty bad acne, and I went on medication for it, but now I just go to get face treatments every two weeks. I love going, because it's my time to relax while Mrs. Rebecca shoots my face with lasers. Sounds awesome, right y'all? My face was a little sore afterwards because she kicked up the power level since I'm highly tolerant of pain.

Then right after that, I went to violin. I hardly had the chance to practice this week, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. I may have shouted in frustration a couple times, though. I did awesome on the sight reading, which was rare. It also reminded me that I need to cut my nails.

Afterwards, my mother took me out to dinner at this Asian restaurant as celebration for my French project. That was an enjoyable dinner. We were able to just relax and talk. It really felt like Friday today, but alas. Just one more day. We just have to push through.

As for Alix, I'm so happy you brought up religion. I was thinking about talking about that! I definitely combine science and religion. I love both topics dearly. I always feel angry when people never think about science with religion. I mean, if God is all-knowing, surely he's good at science? Just saying. Now I'm not a super-Christian or anything, but I am very religious in my own way. Not a day goes by that I don't pray. But I'm also very open to other religions and find them all beautiful and apart of God. I try not to judge like so many Christians do, but say they don't. Ugh.

I wish I could talk more, but I'm really tired. I invested all of my energy into today and I am worn out. Good night you guys.

Lots of Love,

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