Saturday, March 24, 2012

Things have been happening, but they're not very exciting.


I woke up this morning tired beyond belief, so tired in fact that I couldn't remember how to turn my alarm clock off. So I'm just hitting it and begging it to shut up and it's just beeping merrily away. Eventually I unplugged it, rolled over and went right back to sleep. When I woke up again, I remembered where the button to turn it off was and mentally cursed myself.

You see, last night I went to see the Hunger Games with a group of forty or fifty nerdfighters which, yes, was just as awesome as it sounds. And the movie itself was unbelievable. So good. I read the book way back when it first came out, totally by chance. I just picked it up in a bookstore, read it in a day, loved it, then promptly forgot about it. Then everyone started fangirling over it and I was like, hey I've read that! So I happily joined in. And now here we are.

Anyway, fun and games aside, I have two exams next week, Latin and maths. I'm feeling okay about the Latin, not so much the maths. The maths course was going okay until about two weeks ago. It seems like all I do in class now is stare at my teacher and wonder what the hell she's saying, and think what is this dark magic

My wonderful, amazing plan involved studying all day today, but it was unseasonably warm, and since I live in Scotland and therefore spend most of my time wrapped up in jackets and scarves, I decided that I simply had to go outside. I'm a big fan of walks, so I ended up going out for about an hour and a half. I live in the country, near a river, so I went down the footpath next to it and walked for a bit. You eventually come to this place - there's a raised wooden platform to walk on, like a bridge, but if you jump down onto the kind of marshy land and walk away from the path you eventually get to this sandy place, right next to the river. Someone put up a swing there, and there's a bench, too, and it's really peaceful and beautiful. I found this place a few months ago when I was out walking. It's about forty minutes to get there and then forty minutes back, but it's totally worth it.

While I was out I kept passing all these serious-looking hikers in their waterproof, fleece-lined jackets and their walking boots, and there I was in a t-shit and converse and a cute little floral skirt. I haven't been able to wear a skirt without warm, woollen tights for months. It was entirely warm enough today, I don't know why everyone was looking at me so strangely. The way they were glaring, you'd have thought I'd killed someone or something.

When I got back I sat and studied outside for an hour and a half and ate Haribo (which apparently you don't have in America? How do you survive? I remember giving some Haribo Tangfastics to two American girls at camp, and their faces. They said I should've warned them how sour they were. I didn't think, I'm just so used to it) and then I studied a bit more at night. Oh! And I also wrote a song about the Hunger Games and uploaded it to my channel, so that was productive, I guess. 

It was a nice day but now I have a lot to do tomorrow. Further Calculus and the wave function make me want to break things and slam my head against walls. 

Wish me luck!
~Julia x 

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