Saturday, March 10, 2012

Hair Dye and Frustration.

Ok, first of all, where are you all? I miss you!

I had to get up really early today because I wanted to get my hair dyed again (all my roots were coming in brown and it looked awful) and the only appointment I could get was at nine, and it took forty minutes to get there. I got a letter the other day telling me, somewhat out of the blue, that my usual stylist had moved to the Canary Islands or something. I was kind of disappointed, because usually I just show up and kind of let him do whatever he wants with my hair. But today I actually had to tell the woman what I wanted. I asked for my hair a slightly darker red this time, and she wanted to put a little bit of violet through it, and that sounded good to me so I just went with it. I was a little nervous because my school has all these rules about the colours you can dye your hair (you can't have it an "unnatural" colour, so no green or blue or whatever) and to be honest I don't think they're going to be very pleased with it.

But I really like it. So they're just going to have to deal.

Here's a picture:

You can't tell very well but it's really, really red. I'm kind of in love with it.

And yes, that is a Pizza John shirt.

I really should be studying for Latin right now, but I don't want to. I discovered three years ago that I'm much better at ancient languages than modern ones. I was so happy to drop French last year and now Latin is the only language I study at school. It's just a nice language. It sounds really good read aloud. 

I'm not overly opinionated on many things, but when I believe in something really strongly, I get angry very quickly whenever someone doesn't agree with me. I don't mean what you believe in a religious sense, that's a  personal thing, and what does it really matter anyway? No, I mean other things, points of morality. We were having a discussion in English class the other day about the death penalty, and I was extremely surprised to find out that the majority of the people in that class were in favour of bringing it back.Even though I knew that it wasn't going to happen, that the opinion of that one, very small English class wasn't going to bring about any change, I still kind of wanted to cry. Throw up my hands. Ask them if they could hear themselves, if they knew what kind of idiocy was coming out of their mouths. Usually, during these kind of debates, I enjoy myself, and make well-reasoned points, and don't get frustrated. That, uh, wasn't the case that day. I think I may have offended some people. 

Um. If any of you don't agree with me, it's okay. I don't let peoples' beliefs colour my opinion of them. Just don't engage me in a debate. It wouldn't be pretty. 

Another example of this: my friend and I have very differing opinions on the whole Kony 2012 issue. I won't tell you where we each stand, as I know views on this are divided. I understand and respect that he has made his own, informed decision, and I agree that he is entitled to his opinion, but...I don't know, I hate talking about it with him because I can feel myself getting angry. I'm pretty good at not losing my temper in this kind of situation. I hardly lose my temper at all (except that one time when I, uh, kicked my ex-boyfriend , um, that's a story for another day) but I do get quietly frustrated. It's something I'm trying to work on. 

On a more cheerful note, I started watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and it is, indisputably, the best thing ever. 

I hope you're all doing fine, best wishes,
Julia x 

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