Thursday, March 1, 2012

Geez, I'm tired.

So it's practically nine o'clock over here and I am SO TIRED. This has been yet another busy week. I finally performed Can-Can, and I didn't mess up. So that went pretty darn well, even though we had rehearsed for three hours before that, and two hours the day before. I still have to memorize majority of the bones in the body, as well as the muscles. I also have to memorize a script for a dialogue my friend and I are performing Monday (or Tuesday, if the teacher lets us). It's about seven minutes long, but there's a lot of yelling involved. I need to edit a paper on hysterectomies for Anatomy, and my head is ready to explode! You'd think that I would've caught a break by now, but NOOOO. Emily doesn't get to have breaks anymore!

On the brighter side, I made a 28 (out of 36) on my ACT, which can like, give you good scholarship money for college/university/whateverthehellyoucallit. So that's good.

As for music and bands? Oh dear, that's rather difficult to think of. I am a big fan of classical music, especially Tchaikovsky and Beethoven. I adore Lindsey Stirling, who's a modern-y violinist who dances AND plays at the same time. As for groups that won't get me made fun of, I listen to Celtic Woman, Bjork, The Beach Boys, Michael Jackson, Edith Piaf, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Cascada, Paramore, and many more. Now that I think about it, I'll still get made fun of for those, but who cares? I enjoy Korean pop as well.

And it has been decided: I'm going to Panama City Beach, the place where ALL the crazy college kids go for spring break. I'm a little nervous about that, but I think I'll manage. I forgot to mention, that I'm a very paranoid person when it comes to men. Earlier on the bus talking to my bus driver, I thought I had it all planned out. If a guy would try and hit on me, I would say I'm a lesbian and that the friend I'm going with was my girlfriend. But then Steve (the bus driver/my friend) made a good point that the college boys would totally dig that, so my lovely plan was ruined. Besides, my friend was all uncomfortable about being my pretend girlfriend. How sad is that? I got pretend-rejected! By my best friend! So, my next plan is to just be extra weird in hopes of scaring the creeps away.

You see, ever since I can remember guys have always made me incredibly uncomfortable. I hated being hit on, and I was disgusted whenever someone would cat-call me. Now not all guys freak me out, but a lot of them do. I've never liked flirting with them, and I still don't. I hope you guys at least somewhat understand my frustrations, because sometimes, even I don't. So, if anyone has good Spring Break advice, let me know, otherwise I'll be an awkward turtle.

Well, I'm going to bed now. Good night.

Lots of Love

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