Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Trends and exam results

So hey guys,

I got me results back last week from my college exams. I got As in two and a D and an E. So I’m re-sitting the latter and hoping the D doesn’t effect me too badly later on.

Samantha asked us what trends we liked even though they were outdated. I’m not sure what constitutes a trend but I’ll go with things I like that I consider outdated.

80s make up. I love it; the bright colours, the bold designs. Things along the lines of this.

And this

I would wear make up like this everyday if I had the time and skills to do it properly. I got a pallete of 100 colour a while back and it was filled with wonderful colours so I have tried out similar looks.

I also am still very much still into the trend of motown. I get this from my Mother. But you should all go listen to a little piece called “The Onion Song”. The second it starts playing my sister and me crack the bigger smile ever.

And lastly, the trends of “Sex and the City” and “Friends”. I realise their days have been had and most people have gotten over them now. But I still love to catch them or even record them on TV to watch.

Apart from that I don’t really get into trends. I just go with what I like regardless of if others like it or not.

So, I will leave you all to your days. Hope to hear from you all soon.


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