Saturday, March 3, 2012

It still counts!

Gah! I totally forgot it was Saturday! Well. It's five past midnight so I guess it's technically Sunday now. But it's still Saturday in EST right? So it still counts! Maybe! I guess!

Whenever I'm awake this late I always get really hungry. I don't know why. I seem to become nocturnal at weekends. I stayed up a bit late to finish my extended history essay, because I won't have time to do it tomorrow, and now I just really can't sleep. So there's that.

I was in town today, just to get the next volume of The Walking Dead and buy Maureen Johnson's The Name of the Star because it's only £1 at Waterstone's because of World Book Day. So I went into Waterstone's and went upstairs, and what am I confronted with? It's only a table full of John Green books, with a sign reading "Nerdfighters of Glasgow! DFTBA". I was, understandably, very pleased. When I went to pay for my books I told the girl behind the counter that their sign made me incredibly happy. I'm not sure if she really knew what it meant or what a nerdfighter was, but I had to vocalise my joy somehow. I also made sure to leave a nerdfighter note in a copy of TFIOS before I left, just in case anyone was confused.

I have to choose what subjects I'm taking next year soon. Hopefully I'll get all the grades I need this year, so that next year I can just relax. I have to narrow down my five current subjects to three next year, or take three new ones. Either way, I have to pick three subjects. I'm thinking of doing advanced English and maybe taking music, though I haven't taken it since I dropped it three years ago. I'm thinking they might let me take it next year since I already play guitar pretty well.

I'm reading the outline for the Computer Science course at Dundee University. I'm immediately put off because I already know the answer to every one of the questions in their ever wondered...? section. So that feels like it'd be a boring course to take. Though Dundee does offer a postgraduate in comic book studies, which endears them to me very much.

I've been trying to write this story for a long time, and I've been thinking recently this would work really well as a graphic novel. But I've kind of brushed off that thought because I can draw just about as well as I can read minds, or fly. But then someone asked me the other day if I was doing Script Frenzy. I'm not, because I need to study pretty much all April, but I was looking at their writer's resources, and they had comic book scripting information, and I realised that I'd forgotten: graphic novels need scripts. The people who write graphic novels don't necessarily draw them. And even though I've never scripted...well, anything before, I figured, I'm just going to try this. So that's a thing that I'm doing, and it's a really fun and interesting.

In two weeks I have a youtube gathering, and my music theory exam. And they're on the same day. So that's a bit annoying. I really just want to get the exam out of the way because I am really, really bad at music theory. Incomprehensibly bad. I just don't understand. I can read sheet music in terms of playing guitar  - like, I'll look at the notes and know what frets to put my fingers on - but I really don't know anything else.

Ok, I really must sleep now. It's half past midnight.
Best wishes!
-Julia x

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