Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A rant, but a point I've been dying to make

Hey guys,

Right I’m at my boyfriends house so this will probarbly be short. It doesn’t seem far to be typing away on his computer without him.

So it seems like you’ve all had exams and things. Mine are done in January and June so I have a little time till my next lot, although they will be my biggest yet and mean the difference between getting the university I want and the one I am ‘ok-to-attend’.

But there is something that’s come up a lot recently, something I want to talk about without sparking the usual debate it causes. I don’t want to insult anyone and I don’t know you’re opinions on it but I thought I’d just get some of my point off my chest.

Religion vs Atheism.

Now, I would say that I personally have faith, I believe there’s more to this world then just what’s here. But I have a lot of belief in science too. My general, condensed version is; for me, God started the big bang and then has guided evolution.

Now, in my Biology class, this makes me a bit of a freak. In fact, one guy has proceeded to call me a Schizophrenic person who talks to a ‘mythological’ creature in the sky. Some are more tolerant but he’s the main reason that I bring this up.

I can fight for both sides of the debate of God and Science, but because of faith in the former I get automatically labelled into the religion camp, even though I am really not a fan of the layout, hierarchy and overall selectiveness that religion brings.

A lot of my friends are Atheists and I have no problem until they tell me ‘You’re wrong’ and then don’t try to make a logical argument against me. I hate that.

Anyway, sorry this is becoming a rant. Its just this has come up a lot. And while I can usually just leave it and walk away, because of it being in a class, I’ve had to endure it and try not to lunge over my desk to swot him.

If you guys want to talk about this you can, but like I said, I don’t know your opinions and you might agree with the guy in my class. In which case, I’m sorry and I’m sorry if I’ve brought up anything that is a touchy subject for anyone. I just don’t see why people can’t say “I disagree with you, but you’re still the same person you were before this debate started.”

Hope you are all ok and look forward to hearing from you all.


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