Saturday, March 17, 2012

Lovely Day

So, I've had a lovely day.

I got up at seven AM, which wasn't very lovely, and then I had a music theory exam, also not so lovely. I don't know how well it went, really. I thought it was okay, but I thought that the last time and ended up failing miserably.

Anyway, then the loveliness started. I went to a youtube gathering! We all met up in George Square in Glasgow, and hung out there for a bit, and then we moved into a shopping centre food court for lunch. It was really nice to meet new people/catch up with people I'd met at previous gatherings. After lunch, we headed to Glasgow Green, where we sat on some picnic benches and made Free Hugs signs and laughed and quoted ASDF movie and generally had a good time. Following that, we set off, wielding our signs, into Glasgow's main shopping street, where we offered hugs to random strangers and made a lot of people either a) very happy or b) very uncomfortable.

Some people started to drift away after that, and when there weren't many people left I turned to the group I'd been standing with and suggested we all go to dinner. The great thing about having gatherings in Glasgow is that trains leave there for my nearest station every half our at least, and usually faster, so I don't have to worry about leaving at a certain time. It meant I was super relaxed and could stay out later than usual. Five of us wandered down the street, hit Waterstone's to look for nerdfighter notes (we didn't find any, but we did find an actual Nerdfighter and hugged some more strangers), then went to Pizza Hut for food. It was really nice, just sitting, chatting. It was really comfortable and it's so good to be able to make Doctor Who references and see people understand them. It was like being among friends. After that, I got the train home with another Nerdfighter who's been at pretty much every gathering I've been too, and is a fantastic fellow, and now I'm in bed, exhausted, but happy.

So yeah. Lovely day.

Oh! I also made a Mother's Day card for my mum. I had pictured it being nicer, but it seems I overestimated my craft skills somewhat...

Okay, our topic for this week was outdated trends that we still love! I don't know if it really counts as a trend, but I like a lot of late nineties type, indie-kid stuff. I wear my denim dress all the time, with woollen tights and converse and big cardigans in the winter, and I'm in love with my giant, colourful, striped jumper, which I call my childrens'-TV-presenter-from-the-nineties jumper.

Also, I don't know if this is a trend exactly, but I buy most of my music on vinyl. And it's not really because I think it sounds better (though it does), or because I like owning physical music (though I do, but CDs sort of count as that as well), it's mostly the superficial stuff. I like record sleeves. I like the cover art. I like that inside you get song lyrics, or information about the band, or pictures of the band on tour. And most of all, I like the free posters.

Emily: if you're not enjoying your violin lessons as they are, I think you should find a new teacher. I know how much of a drag it can be to keep doing something just because you feel obligated to. But it's totally not worth it. Your decision, but that's what I would do.

Ok, I'm very, very tired, so I'm going to sleep.
Happy St Patrick's day, one and all!
~Julia x

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